Victory for Carrots

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Arain's POV

I stay inside my room again, after whole accident. The one who worried me the most are my parents. They keep asking me if the monster that was called Goblin harm me.

But they all knew, Goblins that were came at my garden are not merely accident as nii-chan found that there was a trace of curse Gluttony Powder on me and around my garden. It was a simple but lethal effect powder that could easily attract mythical beast, fortunately the powder smell are not strong enough to attract dangerous beast beside Goblin.

Currently I wasn't feel agitated toward assassination attack, instead, I felt truly in rage for goblin somehow destroying my vegetable garden that almost ripped to pick and it was that person, the person who starting it.

"That HUMAN, I will never forgive them. I will make sure that person will taste, flavour of death." I said as I still patting and rub softly on Jack's head.

Maybe I should start strengthening myself. Nii-chan training in Reserverance Training Academy, I'm sure he could help me in this case.

"Yosh!! Let's ask nii-chan!" I determined as I step out from my bed, but then my legs went jelly for a moment. On second thought
...Nii-chan is too scary.

"I want to ask Nii-chan," I said began to make human face pout."...but too scared."

"Asking me what?" I look up to see nii-chan face is too close to mine that I reflexely run back and slide into my blanket again.

"Don't scare me like that!" I said as I at the verge of tear. Peeking at his figure that shaking, I look up and saw he using his side fist to close his smiling lips.

What human called this? Laughing? Why is he laughing for?

"Now stop cowering and get straight to the point, what do you want to ask?" He sits on bed next to my hiding figure. I only look upward as blanket still on.

"I want to be strong. Strong human." I said meekly. And now he's staring ! Stop staring me!! I'm gonna cried again.


Zackarian's POV

"Is it wrong to ask..?"

Ahh...shot..that bunny eyes that soon spilled with tears.

"First, stop crying."

She tried to hold it badly but she manage to do it somehow.

"Second, stop hiding."

Arain have difficulties to came out from her get out from her hiding spot, only then she decide to poke out her head only.

"Third, tell me why do you want to be strong?" I said again. But this time I was taken by her pair dichromatic flicks with murderous glint.

"Because...I'm tired to getting killed." She said with a sigh. "Killed for meal, killed for power, killed for the title, killed, killed ,killed. I'm sick of it."

My eyes widen by her ambition, unlike me I was determined to be strong just for I will be able protect family, love one, and also ...preparing to join the war.

But she only think to survive, not quite chivalry aim but still she only want survive in this cruel world. And that's where I start admired yet pity on her. If she never being kidnapped, will she be the same person I despised from the past?

She open her mouth with sad smile;

"..beside, I don't want to bother to mom and dad....I'm tired seeing their sad smiles."

After conforming her determination, I agree while touching my chin.

"Alright, if that's what you want. But only, if follow what I said."I said.

Her eyes beam in joy and jump to hug my figure, I began stiff with warm surges from my feet till head as she rub her head on my chest affectionately.

"Victory for Carrot." She mumble beside my ear.



Normal's POV

Unexpectedly she begin her strength training tomorrow, which she always look tired every time she return to her room as she was welcome by Jack appearance.

"Puuu..Jack, I wonder if I should tell nii-chan about you yet."

She think about her doing my lead to worse as he the only one she could rely in the worst scenario. So she shook of those ideas, she went under her bed and look many pile of books she hidden from every one.

All this books mostly knowledge history of this world and also how to plant the vegetable easily.

"This is definitely not a good hide spot, sigh. If I only have claws to dig this ground." Without her realization, her room drop cold and she swish her head to her hands as she felt coldness enveloping her fingers and found the ice resemble it as a claws she has been thinking of.

"What..? Wow." Since then she practice her imaginary weapon and even garden tools for her own convenience, her stamina also increasing each day thanks to her brother hell training.

"Arain don't just relied on mana often, sometimes there is a time you will be having situation that won't let you using mana in battle easily. And that's why I also wanted you to relied on the strength that you have build this whole three months." Zackarian said as stab the ground while watching his sister figure running around with wooden sword heavy than both her arms spinning in top if speed.

"Yes---pant---nii-chan--!" She pant each time the word escape from her mouth.


"Yes sir!!" She corrects her own mistake.

Yes, whole three months, she have been training dedicatedly without complaining such as sword and magic especially.

Seeing both brother and sister playing together while training gave a pleasant warm hearts toward their parents as they keep watching them from the  window.

"My,my, look at our children. Aren't they quite having fun down there?" Mom say while put her head on her husband's chest.

"Look at Arain, such a cute way to tackle Zack." The father look at Arain. Jumping and bounce, secretly attack from Zackarian back as if she was a human cannonball.

Both of the couple laughing at how both of their children end up rolling the ground then.

As the life keeps going, without knowing, the school holidays almost run out.

"Little, little bunny, aren't you getting bouncy? The event almost starting, which you need to be wary." Jack was sitting under the tree, watching the villainess shell with a bunny soul reside in, playing happily with her sibling.

From Bunny To Villainess?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz