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"Just because you're juniors, doesn't mean you can leave the class when you feel free to!" I looked over at Bert and pulled my lower lid down as I stuck my tongue out. He snorted, and I smirked as I started towards the door. "Mr. Iero, don't think I didn't see that." I kept walking towards the door, then out to the cramped, loud, and B.O. smelling hallway. I sighed as I pushed my way to my locker, throwing my unneeded binders in there as I shoved my way to the front of the school. I took a breath and inhaled smoke. I coughed as I look around. I saw Bert and jogged over to him.

"You choke on my smoke?" He asked giggling and wrapping an arm around my shoulder. Bert and I were the, "delinquents" of the school, but we were still kind of good people.

"Just surprised me you jizz junky." I said look up at him. He shook his head and stomped his cigarette out. I started walking home as Bert followed me. He started rambling about--something, I wasn't really listening. I normally ignore people anyway.

"Ya know?" I heard Bert ask. I hummed and kept staring ahead. He groaned, then stepped in front of me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Dude, I know your angry or whatever, but listen for once." He said sternly. I shook my head and tried walking ahead. He continued to stop me.

"What the hell, Bert? Move." I demanded. He pushed me. I looked at him with frustration as he gave me the same look. I pushed him back and he stumbled backward. He came up to me and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled my face to his.

"Listen here, Iero. I don't give a fuck how cool you think you are. Push me again, bitch. You'll regret it." I spit in his face after his little "threat" and looked him in the eyes. He dropped me and wiped his face. He looked at me and stepped towards me. "You're dead." He threatened as he threw a punch. He got my nose, and I fell back as I clutched my face. I looked up as he was about the throw another one, and swung my leg, kicking him in the shin. He bent down and grabbed his leg, and I took the opportunity to run. I ran towards my house, breathing hard as the afternoon sun made my ears burn. The blood was pumping throughout my whole body, and my nose was dripping with blood. I stepped in my front porch and finally caught my breath. I clutched my chest, each breath hurting and stinging. I opened the door and found my house dark. Dad's home then. I walked in slinging my bag down. I went in the living room and found him asleep on the couch.

"Dad." I said as I stood behind the couch. No reply. "Dad." I said a little louder. He snored in response. "Dad!" I yelled. He turned over and pushed his face against the pillow. I sighed and shoved my hands in my pockets. "Fine. I'm going out. Hope I get kidnapped." I said as I walked to the kitchen. I saw his wallet. I was going to the park, but maybe I could buy a pack on the way there. I took five bucks and and stood at the door, about to leave. I looked back at the couch and shook my head. "Sack of shit." I muttered under my breath. I wiped my nose clean, and walked to the park.
"Mommy! The swings!" A little boy yelled as he ran to the swings. I was never a swing kid,  I was always pretty small, so it didn't work out. I sat on a bench and people watched since I didn't like talking to people. They didn't really understand my constant sarcasm and humor. Everyone in this damn town was always so chipper and didn't take negativity at all.

"Aahh! Daddy! This boys selling balloons!" A little girl with black hair in pigtails exclaimed. She ran over to a little cart with balloons and a a boy with fire truck red hair and.. Clown makeup. Weird town.

"Hi! Would you like a balloon?" The boy asked with a high pitched voice, bending down to the girls level. She nodded her head and jumped up and down. "Balloon animal? Or regular?" The little girl gasped and jumped up and down again.

"Animal balloon!" She exclaimed while her dad out a hand on top of her head. They boy gasped and jumped up and down like the girl.

"Oh yay! I was hoping you would say that, I love doing balloon animals." He explained with a smile. "What would you like?" He asked politely.

"A kitty, please and thank you." The girl said. The boy made the balloon animal, and I had to admit, it looked pretty good. He handed it to the girl, and she pulled it to her chest. "Thank you so much, mister!" She exclaimed and hugged the boys legs. He smiled and pet her head. He looked up to the dad and smiled.

"This ones free. She's so polite, keep up what you're doing." He said. Then the dad and daughter left and the boy was adjusting his gloves. I shook my head. This town was also full of fake people. I got up and started to walk away, right by the balloon boy. "Wanna balloon?" He asked. I stopped and looked around before pointing to myself. He nodded and smiled. I rolled my eyes.

"Do you always offer balloons to grumpy looking guys?" I asked sarcastically, putting my hands on my hips. He looked away then grinned.

"Only the cute ones." He admitted with another smile. I rolled my eyes. "Please? It'll make you smile." He said.

"Sure. A dumb little balloon is gonna make me smile. Right." I scoffed. He frowned and shrugged.

"Well, have a nice day, sir." He said with a small grin. I raised my eyebrows and walked away. Fake people. Fake, happy people everywhere. Now home to my drunk, careless, father. ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦
First chapter! This story might be a little slow, but I swear, I'll get to the good stuff before you know it. I think I'm gonna update this kind of often, but uh... We'll see. Anyway, thanks for reading, I'll see you next chapter :)))

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