The beginning

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Authors Note: This is is Rosemary's point of view this is my opinion also. If there are any spelling errors please comment below. Also if there are any facts that are wrong also notify me. Please also enjoy reading. 🌹🌹

The best part about a Thursday night is coming home to an empty apartment and collapsing onto the couch. I mean... sure I get face paint all over it but it'll wash. So this is exactly what I do every Thursday and nothing ever gets in the way. Unless of course you've just been knocked out cold by Sienna after a last knockout standing match. It hurts.... And cost me my titles!!!! Bitch. Karma will come soon.... Anyway, I'm lying on the couch with an energy drink silently when all of a sudden there's a loud knock at the door.
"What the?...." I mutter. It keeps getting louder so I pull myself off of the couch and walk to the door.  When I open it standing there is the maniac clown Crazzy Steve. Gobsmacked since I hadn't seen him since the fight with LAX I stand there open mouthed.
"Rosemary.... Are you alright??" He whispers. This snapped me back into focus.
"Yeah. We're fine." He looks at me and can obviously see through the lie. He'd seen the match.
"Come on I know you're not that was a hard landing on that table and your head went straight on the metal. Get in and I will make you a cup of coffee."

I move slightly to let him in and I'd forgotten how soft his voice really was. Wait... I can't be thinking that!!
"Tea or coffee?!?!" I hear as I realise I still hadn't shut the door.
"Umm... Coffee please!"
He's actually here. And okay!!

As I walk into the sitting room Steve places the coffee down on the table and states.
"You shouldn't be drinking energy drinks."
"We know. But they help our headaches." I reply quietly. Why am I so nervous right now??
"You know you don't need to stay in character around me. I have seen you without face paint."
I forget this.... The night carried on and he told me about his time in the hospital and how Abyss wasn't talking to him. It ended at about 3 in the morning when he realised that he should be going home.

2 weeks later

In the end me and Steve have ended up 'going out'. Although we have decided to keep it a secret from everyone. Good job I live alone. He stays at mine and we do sleep in the same bed but there is a slight problem. One night me and Steve were asleep in bed. You know like you do. I sleep cuddling into him and he sleeps on his back with arm around me. It was probably about 6 o'clock when a person comes through the door and wakes us both up....

End of Part 1

Ok. This is my first story and I hope you enjoyed it. Make sure to look out for the next part. Who will walk in?? Abyss, Allie, or even Sienna?? Any other suggestions then please comment below!! 🌹🌹

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