"Wait, how did you know he did these things?"

"Well, one, he told me and two, I unlike your mother knew he was there. I could smell him."

"Oh ok, go on."

"Now our master was a man of ritual, he made us go out every two days to collect fresh blood for him. So the werewolf didn't have to wait long before he got to see the pretty vampire again. Only this time he waited in the woods where we stashed the money rather than out on the street in full view of the public. We used to store the money in a big jar, hidden under a bridge. He was waiting there for us and offered us a way out of the nightmare that was our servitude to our master. The werewolf knew that our master was treating us poorly, especially your mother. He told me at a later time that he could smell the master on her, he knew it was a forced arrangement and thought that she should have better in her life. So back at the bridge, he offered us a place in a house that was a secret to our kind and to his, he knew it wasn't wise for his own kind to find out he was fraternising with the vampires. He said we could stay there as long as we liked, come and go as we pleased and he only asked for one thing in return. A night with your mother."

Stuart said it like it was plain and simple, that there was nothing odd about the arrangement. But it was odd, why wouldn't he get to know her and maybe find love?

"Your mother said yes almost instantly. I knew she was determined to get away from our master, it also helped that the werewolf was incredibly handsome. We had discussed it on the way to the house that she didn't mind, after having our master slobber all over her, what difference did it make? The werewolf had given us the address, letting us find our own way there. It was already decked out in the best of everything, your mother and I were literally jumping for joy when we walked into the place. And best of all, we had the blood that had been bought, so we had stock for some time. The house was a two level place, the top floor only had two bedrooms and a bathroom, the werewolf said that we should stay up there, that he would take the guest bedroom on the ground floor for the times that he stayed. He stayed that night to ensure that we were settled and at ease with our new house, but after that night he didn't return for several months. When he did return he advised he would be taking his part of the arrangement that night. Now, I didn't want to be around even if I could sit in my new bedroom and try and ignore the fact that my sister was yet again being taken advantage of. So I went out, oddly ended up here." he gestured to the club. "Met Sid and got myself a job. Your mother on the other hand had a whole new world open up to her. Not only did she and the wolf spend the entire night together, they also fell in love and created a child."

Stuart paused and looked at me, waiting for it to sink in.

"My father..." I began to hyperventilate "Was a werewolf?"

"Yes. So I know that you two are new to this world and know little of how we procreate so I'll give you a crash course. Vampires can with their own kind, so can werewolves but in both situations it is really rare, when they do they create a full blood. A full blood vampire or wolf is so rare that they are instantly inducted into a higher calling if you will. For the wolves, it's a pack of their own without the usual nonsense of power plays. They will not ever have any attempts for their placement as alpha, they are top dog and that's it. For the vampires, it's kind of the same. They are given an area that they will rule over, to create their own coven. People will flock to a full blood, placement into these packs or covens is by a waiting list that can be hard to get onto.

"What's the difference between what Julius has, the commune and a coven?"

"A coven is run by the full blood vampire; a commune is run by ordinary vampires with delusions of becoming a grand master."

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