Chapter 3

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I didn't get dropped back at my apartment, in fact I don't know where we ended up. Somewhere along the way he slowed at a lone figure on a street corner, the man tossed a bag onto my lap, Noah said thanks and then pulled away. It was a bag of my things. Whoever the lone figure was, he had broken into my apartment, gone through my things and packed an overnight bag for me. Great. That's just really great.

Noah pulled into a long driveway, trees lined the side of it underneath was long grass that wafted back and forth in the gentle night breeze. Ahead of us were dozens of buildings, almost like a little housing estate. As we got closer a large set of gates opened, at least a dozen dogs were at the gate, growling and barking at us. Noah moved toward one of the buildings, a two level building, it's bottom level was one large garage door that opened as we approached.

"Do you live in some kind of hippie commune?"

"Hippie commune?" he frowned at me "No this is a vampire commune that look after and protect each other."

"Do you need protecting?"

"There are some vampires that will prey on the weaker ones, children, sometimes even the women get attacked."

"That's awful."

"No different to humans if you think about it."

"So I'm staying here tonight?"

Noah turned off the engine and looked at me.

"Think about this realistically. You sent your receptionist away this morning telling her that that clinic was going to be closed for the day, then when your boyfriend rings you questioning it, you tell him that you were going to ring him back, effectively cutting off the conversation and avoiding his questions. You never ring him back, all afternoon you've been off the radar as far as he's concerned and then his building has a security breach. You tell me what he will be thinking."

"Curtis." I gasped.

"Is fine. My friend went and collected him, he's in one of the buildings here, somewhere."

Noah led me up the external stairs, the light over the door turning on as we approached.

"Ready for the grand tour?"

I looked at the length of the building, wondering how much of a tour the small building had to offer. Unless it was the Tardis in here, I doubted there would be anything grand about it.

"Yeah sure."

He opened the door to a studio apartment, the windows on the other side of the room were large, letting the moon's light shine through. I walked into the open area that was the lounge, to the right of the door was the galley kitchen, to the left was his bed and to the side was a claw foot bath. The only form of privacy in this place was the toilet. This was unbelievable. What could I say? His furnishings were very nice, they were modern and free of any form of marks or tears. The place was clean and tidy, his bed was made. It was made for one person, two if they were a couple and didn't have any issues about themselves. Unlike Noah and I who were obviously meant to be together but weren't at that stage just yet. He took my hand and dragged me across the wood floor to the large windows. The view was amazing, it looked out over a field of flowers and long grass, trees dotted all over the place.

"It's something, isn't it?"


"I'm not expecting anything Veronica."

I turned and looked at him, his hands in the pockets of his jeans, the fringe hanging in this eyes.

"I just ask that you give it a chance, don't walk away without at least trying."

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