Chapter 8

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I looked across the darkened room, the candles flicked against the stone walls. The warmth had increased now that I was a vampire, I felt temperature differently. Julius sat opposite me with his smug attitude. I had to say Noah was nothing like his father, I figure he's probably more like Amelia. There was something about Julius that I just didn't like. Much like bear man, he looked at me differently, he spoke to me differently. There was something that I just couldn't figure about these two.

"Linus is a beta?" I frowned "He's human."

"Are you sure about that Veronica?"

"Well not now that you said that." I scoffed.

"All I am saying is that werewolves are hard to pick from the crowd. You could have one in a dozen humans and he would be no different. In fact, he would probably be the last person you pick."

"I'm still having trouble believing it. He might be a smart man be he isn't smart enough to be the second in charge of a pack."

"Well if you have any other suggestions, then by all means, do tell." Julius said with a smug tone.

He leaned back into the leather, waiting with his attitude, waiting for me to slip up. He wouldn't have to wait long, I tended to do that a lot. Like walking out of a building without company.

"What if that man in the woods was the alpha or maybe like number three or something, do you know any of these men? And who said that they have to be men anyway?" I squinted at the men in the room.

Amelia grinned one very superior smile at me.

"She is right, there is no rule in wolf law that says that any high ranking wolf has to be male. It is possible that the beta is a female. And as for your question of whether we know these people, no, we do not."

"Well I have to say, no offence of course, but that is one very big slip up on your kinds part. I know about vampires; it was a personal requirement that I set myself when I began my job. Know what you are dealing with. Are you really walking around blind to this creature that wants you dead?"

"We know enough." Julius scowls.

"I don't think you do, you don't even know who the alpha is in your own backyard."

"Enough." Amelia says softly "Julius, you are right, we do know enough but having said that, Veronica is right too. It is a grave oversight on our part that we do not know our enemy. He or she could walk past us on the street and we would have no clue. Now, I am tired and I think it would be wise for all to rest well tonight."

Julius followed Amelia out of the room, leaving the four of us. Harry and Noah were in deep discussion about the man in the woods as I flicked through the Rolodex again, stopping at the alpha's name. I looked up at Curtis with a grin as I pulled the card out, stuffing into my pocket. He grinned back, his eyes darting to the other two then back to me. Curtis and I were such good friends that when we looked at each other certain ways, we knew what the other was thinking. He knew that I was going to seek out this alpha. The alpha named Leon.

The night had passed, I hadn't slept well. Maybe it was the woman who had rattled my mind, maybe it was my body that was still changing. Either way I had a restless night. Curtis was draining a bag of blood when I found him in the kitchen. I climbed onto the stool beside him and rested my head on my folded arms. Lethargy was my friend today yet I wasn't going to give up on talking to this Leon guy.

"You're too weak." Curtis whispered "You're a new turn, you should wait at least a day before you try and do anything serious and as for searching out a werewolf after you've just had the majority of your blood drained, girl you are crazy."

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