"You know, you're not exactly of age for drinking" I downed the shot fast, and looked back at Max as the girls were laughing

"Oops, maybe you should have mentioned that around the first drink" as he rolled his eyes

"You regret this in the morning I'm positive" Bobby came up and Mickey jumped into his arms as he stood there laughing

"I tried to stop them early and failed as well" both Max and Josh came walking up at the same time.

"Annie. How much have you drank tonight" I shrugged my shoulders

"I don't know" I smiled up at him "the same as them" I pointed to them as the head the face in shame, but in truth it was only about four drinks and maybe two or three shots over the course of six hours

"Well I think it's time we get you home and to bed, you won't be happy in the morning" I groaned and looked sadly up at him

"But I don't want to go, I want to stay and play with my new friends" I tried to give him puppy eyes, but he just shook his head

"I think their mates want to take them home to have some personally play time" as I glanced over and they were all laughing as they I noticed Josh and Bobby both held them like it was the end of the world.

"I personally think Luke want to have some play time with Annie" Mickey said as everyone cracked up laughing and I blushed bright red not from embarrassment, but angry they would actually think I would want to 'play' with him

"You do realize I'm standing right here, she is my sister" Max was glaring at the ground looking really unhappy "can I get a ride from one of you, I'm not riding back and subjected to being in close quarters with them" they laugh as Luke offered me his hand and I placed mine in his as he dragged me down the hall and out the house.

I got into the car first as I felt really uncomfortable with my plan and I was not able to go along with my plans. I never even thought of what to do if he doesn't respond well or he has figured out what I was going to do. My stomach started to bubble and I was almost sure I was going to become sick from all the drink. That would really have put a damper on my plans, but all of a sudden he I felt his hand grab mine and start slowly intertwining his hand with mine. I almost felt better and it gave me the courage to actually go ahead with my plan. I looked up at him as he was staring straight at me and I batted my leash ounces and blushed little, as I looked away almost embraces. I felt his other hand cup my face and pull my face to look directly at him, as his thumb stroked my face I saw is eye flicker to my lips as he slowly started to nibble slightly on my lip as he was so close to each other.

It was a fast movement he pressed his lips to me and backed off almost as if he was afraid of my reaction, which was reasonable. I normally would have murdered him for even thinking I would want him to kiss me, but now I need him to kiss me because I was going to get the best revenge that I knew possible. I felt his lips press against mine gentle as I controlled my urge to push him away and just kept telling myself, it would be over soon and Joel would forgive me. After a few moments, I felt his arm wrap around my waist and pull me on his lap so I was now straddling him. I felt his hands roam around, but not everywhere mostly on my sides. I decided to show him that I was willing to move along with basic kissing to something little more as I smirked about my revenge will be sweet. I moved my hands to the collar of his shirt and started to unbutton the shirt, but he grabbed my hands stopping me. I froze almost in fear that his figure out and I was going to get bitched for trying to trick him.

"Annie we cannot do this" he sighed as I almost went off on him for having to kiss him for nothing basically "it is inappropriate being intimate more than this in the company of others" as he motioned to the driver and I realized I almost swear up and blew up to quickly

I was Sold to My Dead Brother's Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now