The girl was shyly standing in front of him, still hesitating whether she should sit or not. He patted the place beside him to encourage her to do the said-thing. "My name is Jimin. Sit, I won't bite", making a smile appear on her lips and with that she sat on the bench.

"My name is Ara. I didn't mean to interrupt. I just came here to drink water from the fountain", she admitted when a pink shade of blush was painting her cheeks, making her face even more mesmerizing in his eyes.

"You didn't interrupt. On the contrary, I was getting a little bored and I could use the company", he gave her the smile. The smile everyone was rumoring about and now she knew why. It was gorgeous. No, she had an argument with her thoughts. It was more than gorgeous, it was divine and stunning, a breathtaking one. And she found herself staring openly in front of him. Staring at his eyes with no shame at all. She'd never met a beautiful creature like him before.

The two of them were gazing at one another, like they were having an unspoken conversation, until Jimin said "Do you want me to read for you, Ara?" and pointed to the book on his lap.

Ara. Her name was rolling on his tongue with a perfect note, and he found himself wanting to say it again and again. Ara. Ara.She bears the name of the crystal rain, with drops blue like her very own eyes.

She just nodded quickly answering his question, staying completely focused on his fractures. And so he begun to read the book. What neither of them was aware of, was that it was the beginning of something new.


After that day Ara and Jimin were meeting every day in the same spot. It was like an unspoken promise between the two. They would sit on their bench and Jimin reading a new book for her, or they would walk around the woods, admiring the beauty of mother-nature. But what was true was that they just enjoyed the presence and the company of the other.

"I want to show you something tonight. Can you come out?", he asked her out of nowhere one day when they were on their exploring expedition in the woods. He never had ask her to meet at night before. Even though they were spending almost the whole day with each other, Ara wanted to go on the night walks as well.

"I could sneak out after my mother goes to bed", she suggested.

"Even though the thought of your sneaking out alone in the middle of the night terrifies me, this is worth it. You need to see it. "

"What is?"

"I'm not telling. It will ruin the surprise. Just meet me on the road out of the city around midnight."

That night Jimin led Ara towards the hill near the city. It was that time of the year, 'when heaven cries golden tears', what the humans called it. But for the angels it was known as Meteor Shower. 

Jimin told her about the myths of this gorgeous display that the sky provided. There was a word that the ancient Greeks saw meteor rocks as powerful talismans from their sky gods, and believed that finding one would bring a year of good luck. "When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you". While other cultures saw the stars as human souls, with the fallen star representing a person's death.

"Ara, do you believe in reincarnation?", he asked brushing the hair from her face, while she was laying with her back on the grass and her head was in his lap.

These days the two of them became closer than ever. They would walk around with interlocked hands or Jimin would lay in her lap on their bench. Neither of them ever spoke about this, but deep inside both of them felt it.

They were falling unconditionally and irrevocably in love...

"What is that?", she asked still gazing upon the sky, amazed with the view.

"When our body dies, our souls don't. They run around completely lost, until a competent body is born for them."

"Does that mean when we die, we would still see each other in another life?", she asked averting her view from the sky to his eyes, finding them more beautiful than the falling stars-show.

He just nodded and without intention, or maybe there was, closed the small amount of space between their eyes and placed his lips on hers. Even though it was just an innocent kiss, there was a growing storm inside their chests. Neither of them backed away, they just stood like that for a few seconds consuming each other's scent and warmth, leaving their lips to melt in the others.

No words needed to be spoken. Their silence was speaking on its own. They knew what that meant, and even though everyone was against it, they didn't care. As long as they had each other. As long as they were together.


But their happiness didn't last long. Few months after they gave their vows with that kiss, Jimin started to feel uneasy and anxious. It was strange to him, because angels were not supposed to fall sick. But since he didn't want to worry Ara, he kept this hidden from her.

He went to the elders to ask them about his current condition. They told him that there was an old saying 'if an angel and a human fall in love, their time together will be short'. He knew about that saying, and was afraid that it was their destiny.

With time his condition had worsen. He was getting more and more tired and so their walks became shorter. Or there were days when every bone in his body hurt him like someone was breaking them one by one. But never once he showed his weakness in front of Ara. And although she had her own doubts, she never asked as if she was afraid of his answer...

It was today. His last day with her. He felt it in his chest. He knew that he was dying inside and there was nothing he could do about it.

Ara knew it too. She saw him getting sicker and sicker every day. But she didn't want to speak about it. If he hasn't told her yet, it was because he wanted it that way and she respected his decision. It was always like that with them. They didn't need to talk to know what the other was feeling. They just knew it. They were, what we call now, true soul mates.

"This is not a goodbye", he suddenly spoke as his eyes were losing their light with every past second. Even though his words were quieter at a time, Ara was absorbing every single one of them, while brushing his soft locks of his forehead. His words were precious to her, as they were counting to the last one.

His breathing became shallow, like he was trying to fill his lungs with air but it was too painful to do it. He looked at her eyes again, while warm crystal tears fell out of them down his face. He wanted to brush them of her face, he wanted take her in his embrace and tell her that their love was eternal. To tell her that everything was going to be okay, but it was hopeless. He couldn't even move - his arms were like jelly and numb at the same time.

"I know."

His breath was burning his throat and he knew that it was going to be the last one. His eyelids became too heavy for him to keep them open and he whispered for the last time. "Remember what I told you, we'll meet again, maybe in a different body and even if our eyes don't recognize each other, our hearts will."


Hey guys, did you like it? I'm so proud of this.
It's kinda my first time writing something like this.
I was inspired by BTS's new trailer for their comeback.
I really hope you like it.
Please comment and vote.


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