Always Outspoken ch.7

Start from the beginning

"You look like shit," Jason smirked.

"Thanks. I'm glad your somewhat okay Jason," I smiled.

"So am I. It'd suck if I was dead, you guys would never survive without my awesomeness," he joked. The sad thing is that he's right. I probably wouldn't survive without him.

"You should get some rest," I said as I lightly squeezed his arm.

And he did fall asleep.

Jason got better faster than I expected. We hung out a lot more too, which I liked. I mean, we were friends after all. Every time something happened with my family, I always went straight to Jason because I knew Cody wouldn't understand. One day, I felt bad about that, and I realized we would just be better off as friends. So, before school on Friday, I needed to end things between Cody and me. I may sound mean, but ending things between us is better than going on without having feelings for him.

"Cody, we need to talk," I told him before we went in the school for first period.

"Alright, what's up?" Clearly he knew something was wrong.

"I'm sorry to say this, but I think we should just be friends. I love you, but I'm not in love with you."

He was quiet for a minute, until he said, "Okay."

"What?" Okay? That's all he could say?

"We've been drifting apart, so I understand that we should just be friends."

"Oh, okay. So friends." He nodded, and I gave him a small smile before turning to walk to my first period.

"And I won't be mad if you go out with Jason. He's a good guy." This made me stop immediately. I whipped around to face him again.

"How'd you, I mean, what?" I know, I wasn't making sense, but I was very confused!

"I figured it out when he was in the hospital, the way you looked at him," he shrugged.

"I'm sorry," I quietly said. He hugged me and we went to class.

My classes went fast, once again. It feels like I spend almost no time in my classes. I guess that's a good thing though. I sat at our usual table with everyone, except Cody was at the library to print a report.

"Where's Cody?" Tonya asked.

"Library," I answered.

"How are you two by the way?" Beth asked. She usually asked that randomly every week, so it was nothing new to me.

"Good. We broke up." Jason choked on his food, and I smiled. There's just something about people choking that amuses me. Unless their seriously choking; then it's not funny of course.

"What?" Beth yelled in my ear.

"Geez Beth, that was my ear you just yelled in," I joked.

"Well sorry! But what do you mean you two broke up? When did this happen?"

I shrugged, "This morning. We both agreed we're better as friends. So that's what we are, and it won't be awkward." Beth just started at me like I neglected to tell her an important secret for years.

"Beth, it's not a big deal. I mean, we didn't get into a fight or anything. It was a peaceful break-up. Okay?"

"You're both crazy. I thought you loved each other?" Tonya said. Where did this come from?

"We did, but like I said to him, I'm not in love with him. There's a big difference."

"Well, when did you realize this?" Beth asked.

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