Chapter 52

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Batool's POV;

And who says there's a better feeling than that of witnessing a life grow in you? Motherhood is actually the best experience one could ever witness.  Regardless it comes with pains and frustration, the boon part is just unbeatable. Even through the darkest moments when everything feels like crap and goes wrong and makes you feel like you just can't take another second actually, all it takes is one good moment to erase all the 10 million crappie ones.

  The more days, weeks and months flew by, the more I realize how great of a mistake it was for me to even think of aborting a blissful blessing as this from God. Indeed there's no perfect time for me to become a mother but now, like God planned it. I'm ready.

By each second, minute and hour of the day that passes, I can't help but to fall in love with my baby and its Daddy the most. Would life even be possible without Muhseen? I guess nah.

This man is simply everything I've ever asked and prayed to God for, not once did he make me felt neglected through out my first trimester and until now, he was there for me through my toughest and darkest times with his solacing words and compassion assuring me that with every pain that cuts through, there's a reward for it. Countlessly cancelling his schedules and business trips solely to stay back at home with me and make sure I was being taken care of. His equanimity on me anytime my hormones hits and makes me do things I myself is ashamed of thinking back at now made me realize how patient and understanding he is and how he meant every word and promise he's made in the subsequent months, why was I a fool not to believe him?

   Alhamdulillah we've vacated from school, all thanks to Muhseen. Results wouldn't have been this colorful without his help and assistance for going to school on my sick days to gather all lessons to notes, drawings and projects from Salmah, Mariam and my other course mates then come back home and tutor every single of it to me. To avoid dehydration and over fatigue, Muhseen monitors my meals and do ensures that I stay well nourished and revise my notes and handouts with me.

Furthermore, we together attend my pre natal appointments, regardless of how tight his schedules are this man will always create time for me as if I'm his major priority but maybe I am. Not once did he make me feel carrying his child is a mistake, moments when he'll stay awake in the middle of the night with me disregardless of how hectic his day went at office, pampering and taking care of me are little out of his demeanor that earned respect for him and the best of all the numerous memories of him that I shall live to remember.

   What is more, Ammi and Maa have just recently found out about my pregnancy, they were thrilled by the news yet angry at us for not breaking the news to them on time. Well if it was for me they still wouldn't have found out but Muhseen was desirously eager to inform them and as the best wife that I'm trying to be, I couldn't hold him back.

The last and biggest part was finding out Hakeem and Mariam are now a couple, great isn't? Cute babies alert already. Issa ICan'tKeepCalm something.  Hakeem is just the one perfect soul whom deserves a pure and golden heart like that of Mariam's.

  Today was no different from each boring day, no Muhseen to cuddle and play with, no Mariam nor Salmah to gossip to nor Ammi and Maa to talk with only a boring screen staring at me like I was doing it and maids running up and down. Stretching an arm to extend to the centre table I picked up my phone before leaning back to the comfy couch Muhseen got me a couple of months ago and unlocked my phone with the intent of hitting Muhseen up on Snapchat when I heard of sounds coming from the gates. Yeyyy! He's back.

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