Chapter 2 - A Little Crush

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Good morning! Well it's morning for me at least c:

SOTC- Never Gonna Change by Broods


(One Week Later)

Brielle's POV

I woke up and walked out of my new room and into the kitchen.

I walked in and saw Mitch with Adam and Tyler, with Nutella on their faces. Probably did some stupid shit with Nutella.

"I was actually going to use that, but I guess I won't be using it anymore." I said sighing.

"Why don't you come lick it off of my face?" Tyler said as he put some on his lips and the others laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "You're repulsive."

He smiles. "Thanks babe, I try."

I shake my head and sigh. "Tell Jerome I'm stealing his car. I'm going to go to the release of my album."

"Wait. Album?!" Adam asks.

"Yes..? I'm a singer."

"For what?"

"Stealing The Unknown. Heard of them?"

"Yeah! You guys sing that one song..."

"Cool Kids?" Mitch asked him.

"That's it! It's so catchy."

"You listen to my music?" I ask Mitch.

"Hell yeah! I wanna support my best friend's sister dood!"

"It's just that it's not your type of music you'd guys would listen to."

"Then sing it." Tyler said.

"Nah, I'm go-"


"NO I'M NOT!" I said running out of the house with Jerome's keys in my hand.

I drove to the record place and met Patrick, Brendan and Carla in the parking lot.

Patrick plays guitar, while Brendan plays drums and Carla plays bass. Then there's me, doing vocals.

"Hey! How's the bro and the house and such?" Patrick asks me

"Pretty good, the guys there one."

"Who's that?!" Carla asks.

"Some kid named Tyler, oh my god he is too fucking annoying."

"Geez Elle, language like that coming from you?"

"Shut up, these kids have messed with my whole innocence. They are just horrible."

"Well, we would like to meet them, and also see Jerome."

"Of course, wanna come by after this release signing thing?"

They nodded and we walked into the office.

"Alright, so we are releasing the album titled "Wild Dreams" by "Stealing The Unknown" on June 12th of 2014. Is this correct?"

"Yes." I said and we signed the paper.

(An hour later)

Brielle's POV

 I put my keys into the door and unlocked it.

"Hey guys! I have people who want to meet you!" I yelled through the house.

All of the guys were in the living room, so they walked over pretty quickly.

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