[ to me, she is ]

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to me! to me! she's a darling, she's not a flower, she's bedsheets out of the dryer / and pancakes for dinner / and cafes, when they're quiet and good enough for looking for your future lover / or crusing in an escalade, moving slow, low, yet passionately. to me! to me! she swims in fools gold knowing it's for fools / but i don't think she's a fool / i want to dive in with her / and see what she sees / and understands why she does what she does / i want to wash the footprints of others off her clothes, even though she wears them like a sash / those footprints are my own, why does she help me jump a fence? / why does she hold on, yet let go? / take me with you, love / make me realize why you shake hands with girls who have thorns / and sing lullabies to the moon when he's not listening to you? / to me! to me! she is, blazing through nuclear air and blow smoke rings through it, she jumps through them, i want to follow / but she tells me, to stay, stay right there, and she will be right back / she always comes back / but can she breathe?

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