4. You Are My Star

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Yoona POV

"I...I like you."

I couldn't believe what I just heard. "You like...me?" I muttered my thoughts unknowingly.

"Yes, I do." I heard him reply. I guess he did hear me speak.

His head left my side now. His hands which were on my waist travelled up to cup my face. Taejoon looked at me lovingly for a few seconds.

Then he leaned in again.

This time, I felt his lips on mine, softly kissing me. A shiver ran up my spine when I realised he was actually kissing me. I was hesitant to kiss back at first, but the sweetness of his lips was too irresistible that I gave in.

Our lips were locked together as I ran my hand through his matted hair. I could feel him smile against the kiss.

We stayed like this for another half minute until Taejoon gently pulled away. We both took a while to catch our breath, still having eye contact.

Suddenly remembering that he had confessed to me, I looked down shyly.

"What's wrong?" His voice sounded a little disappointed.

"I...uh...like you too."

My voice was barely a whisper as I confessed my feelings for Taejoon. Not again, I thought when I felt blood rushing to my cheeks yet again but this time I didn't bother to hide it. I looked up at him to see his reaction.

Instead of looking surprised like I had expected him to, he smirked.

"What? I couldn't hear you." He said

I rolled my eyes. How could he not hear me when he could obviously hear my muttering?

"I said 'I like you'." I clearly stated.

"Still can't hear you."

"I SAID I LIKE YOU" I shouted.

He smiled, satisfied.

"Will you be my girlfriend then?" He asked, not showing even a slight bit of nervousness or embarrassment.

"Ye-yes." I stuttered.

His eyes lit up at my words and gave me a tight bear hug. "You're mine now!" He squealed like a child. Too cute!


Just then, the wind blew and messed up Taejoon's hair. I giggled a little at the sight. He stared at me in confusion.

"Your hair is messed up" I told him.

I used one of my hands to gently push the hair back into place. When I was done, we continued to hug each other. My head rested on his shoulder as I smiled happily about the events that just happened.

Breaking the hug, we watched the sunset. Streaks of yellow, orange, pink and purple were seen as the sun slowly disappeared from our view.

When the sun was completely gone, the sky became dark with little stars dotting it, twinkling brightly. We stood in silence and awe looking at the starry night sky before us.

He kissed my temple, nose nuzzling my neck. "Those stars are just like you, shining in the darkness of my life." He whispered quietly, but enough for me to hear.

A wide grin spread across my face as I said,

"Well, you are my star."

when the wind blows | yoona ✔️Where stories live. Discover now