Chapter Thirty-Four

Start from the beginning

"Most have changed their minds but there are still the older and the younger ones that despise you for your rising in status." Iona replied.

"Do they still call me a dog as before?" She inquired.

"Very few." Iona sighed.

"Some things just never change, I guess. Nonetheless, I'm having the king's son and he'll have the heir he's always wanted." Elisabete stated.

"You're lucky you haven't had many complications like Eir said you would." Iona added.

"That's true. I was surprised when Eir said everything was going well with the pregnancy. I thought I would have had at least a few troubles, but none. Hmm. I just want him out so I can meet him." Elisabete laughed.

"He'll be out soon enough. You're practically bursting at the seams!" Iona teased, poking her belly.

"I can't stand this waiting. I want him out now.Do you hear me, little boy? I want you out so I can kiss your cheeks and hold you in my arms." Elisabete giggled as she rubbed her belly.

"Is there anything I can fetch you?" Iona asked.

"Some lunch would be nice." Elisabete replied.

Iona bowed her head and left the room. She made her way to the kitchens and retrieved her lunch. She slowly made her way back, making sure nothing fell from the tray. She then strategically opened the doors and smiled.

"Lunch for two!" Iona giggled.

As she looked up, she noticed that Elisabete was not in bed and the sheets were tossed to one side. Iona set the food down on the writing desk and entered the bathroom. When she wasn't in there either, she quickly checked the balcony, not seeing her there either. She quickly began to panic and ran out of the room trying to find her.

Loki was seated at the head of his table, tapping his foot and running his forefinger between his lips. He stared ahead at the wall as the members of his counsel began to give insight as to how the people in the cities and villages were doing. They then talked about his meetings with the people who would come to ask him favors or pardons and how long they would last. Their voices drowned out as all he could think about was Elisabete and how she was doing. He was lost in thought when he heard the doors burst open. Everyone looked over to see a distraught and panting Iona standing in the doorway with the guards behind her, trying to pull her away. Loki told the guards she was fine and he demanded what she was doing here.

"The queen is missing." Iona announced.

All the heads turned to Loki as they waited for his reaction to the news/

"What?" He asked.

"I returned with her lunch and she was gone. She's not in her chambers or the gardens. I've checked almost everywhere and I cannot find her." Iona explained, trying to control her breathing.

"Someone fetch her some water. Cancel all my meetings and appearances." Loki demanded.

He raced out of the room and went searching throughout the palace trying to find her. After several minutes, it dawned on him that she might have experienced some sort of pain and went to get it checked out. On his way to Eir's, he saw Tadeus, her mother, father, and two sisters, all sitting outside the healing rooms. Tadeus stood from his seat and smiled brightly.

"Why are you smiling like that? Iona has alerted me that Elisabete is missing from our bed." Loki inquired.

"My king, Elisabete came to us and spoke of a pain her belly shooting up into her back and through her abdomen." Tadeus told him.

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