Dragon brothers vs. Alex Ch. 3.1

Start from the beginning

Despite the loud voices and the entrance of Dr. Dewey, Alex remained asleep...or unconscious.

"Burst of energy?" Dr. Dewey pushed up his wire frame glasses and rubbed his eyes.

"Knocked out the guys chasing us, but woke us up. Well? What can you do?" Rile leaned over the couch to peer at Alex. "Hey! Dr. Dewey is here!"

"No!" Too late, Gabe tried to stop Rile.

Alex opened her eyes and shrieked at the sight of the draconic face so close to her. Her fist flew up and Rile jerked back to avoid being punched. Alex rolled off the couch into a defensive crouch, hands fisted and arms up to block. Dr. Dewey immediately raised his hands in surrender.

"Calm down, crazy lady," Rile said.

Gabe shot him a venomous glare and then held out his hands, palms up, to placate her. "Alex, please, you're safe here. We're in my dwelling this time. You're safe," he crooned.

Her wild eyes calmed at the sight and sound of him.

"This is what you humans call our landlord. His name is Dr. Dewey," Gabe continued.

Alex nodded and relaxed. Then she fell into a sit on the floor. Gabe knelt beside her and she smiled up at him. He helped her back onto the couch, and she lay down again. Dr. Dewey held out his hand in greeting.

"Hello, Alex. My name is Dr. Dewey. I'm a professor at Tulane. How do you feel?"

Alex warily shook his hand. "Just tired. I'll be fine....thank you." She glanced nervously at Gabe, who patted her shoulder in reassurance.

"May I take your blood pressure?" Dr. Dewey unzipped the small case and produced a home BP cuff.

Again, Alex glanced up at Gabe, who nodded.

"If you must," she said.

"It doesn't hurt."

"I'm tired, not stupid. I know what a blood pressure cuff is," Alex shot back, then added apologetically, "I'm sorry. I know you're only trying to help. It's odd for someone to help me."

"I assure you, any friend of the brothers is worthy of help." He held out the cuff so she could see it.

In return, she held out her arm. He fastened the Velcro around her wrist and tapped the button. It beeped in an annoying fashion until the digital numbers flashed. Dr. Dewey frowned at them. Alex closed her eyes.

Dr. Dewey rubbed his chin as he looked down at Alex lying on the sagging plaid couch and tapped the start button again. He looked at the new reading on the cuff.

She had her other arm draped over her eyes and ignored him. He plucked off a fuzz ball from the couch arm, rolled it and tapped the button yet.

"You say she has super powers? The ability to blast things?" Dr. Dewey regarded the fuzz ball before resuming rolling it.

"And fly," Gabe said.

"I suppose it isn't any more incredible than three alien, draconic brothers." He flicked the fuzz ball into a small, overflowing wastebasket in the corner of the room. Then he peered at the cuff's display and frowned. "She is critically ill. Her pulse is erratic and her blood pressure is dropping. We must take her to a hospital."

"No," Alex murmured and peeked at him. "Please don't."

"I have a Ph.D. in neurobiology, not a medical degree, and in a hospital they can help you." Dr. Dewey fixed her with his best reproving professor stare.

"No, no." She shook her head, unfazed by his look. She dropped her arm. "They won't.  They won't have any idea what to do with me, except dissect my body after I die. You know I'm not a normal human. I'm burned out from overloading those power damper cuffs. I know. I can feel it.  Please don't send me away to die alone.  I want to stay here with you." She appealed to Gabe, then the others. "All of you."

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