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Rebecca's POV

I shouldn't have come to this party.

I don't even think I belong at this party.

Those thoughts are soon answered as I rush out of the door in fury, thinking I would start with a fantastic year, but guessing I just ruined that by even appearing at a party I didn't want to go to in the first place.

Monica runs after me, placing a hand on my shoulder to keep me from hurrying on further.

"Rebecca, I'm so sorry." Monica shakes her head, and whistles a held in breath.

"It's alright, I knew I shouldn't have come anyway. I saw it coming." I wiped the hot tears running down my face. Monica glances back at the large house we just walked away from.

"You know, Justin's a jerk. And his girlfriend deserves to go to hell."

"Ya think?" I roll my eyes and walk away with Monica trailing behind me. I promised that junior year would be a great one, but I just ended up humiliating myself long before the beginning.


1 Hour Before

Monica and I walked into the party, excited and eventful towards junior year.

"Tonight we have fun alright? I'm not ready to start school yet." I smack my forehead. My best friend Monica nods anxiously in agreement. She suddenly stops abruptly and takes my forearm roughly.

"Did you know that other people from different schools were gonna be at this party?" Monica says, suddenly nervous.

"No...why?" I say slowly and and look over to where she's staring at. I soon recall information about what she was so nervous about.

Paul, a guy who was clearly interested in her over the summer was at the party, although he didn't go to our school. It was clear that Monica liked him too, they had some sort of...encounter over the summer.

"You should go say something." I remove her hand still holding on to my forearm. She shakes her head fast.

"No." She simply states. I give her a look and then shrug.

"Your lo-

"Hey, Monica." Paul says behind us. I jump a little and then look over at Monica to see her reaction. Monica looks at him and turns paler then usual. She doesn't say anything. I kick Monica under her leg and she yelps.

"Ow?" She gives me a glare. I smile and shrug, and leave her and Paul be.

I walk around and nod my head at familiar people, as well as that I notice some newbies too. As I was wondering around, I suddenly trip over a radio cord and yell out a little scream. I close my eyes as a natural reaction to falling, until I feel someone hold on to my wrist before I fall on my face.

"Almost hurt yourself there, gorgeous."

I slowly get up, flustered for almost publicly humiliating myself for the thousandth time in my existence. I roll my eyes and pull away from the person who basically saved my life. I look at the person, and I stop abruptly.

"I-I'm sorry?" I ask again.

"I said, you almost hurt yourself there." The boy with the luscious brown hair chuckles. I was personally a sucker for guys with curly brown hair.

I recall what just happened. I stop and suck in a tight breath.

Did he just call me gorgeous?

I start backing away slightly. "Well uh, I uh-"

I suddenly bump into a familiar scent and turn around abruptly. I let out a little yelp.

It was the scent of the most strong yet satisfying cologne any girl fell for. It was the bulky arms of the guy I fell for. It was Justin. Justin, my crush for exactly almost 24 months now, (I've been keeping count) and I can't believe I was in his arms. Everyone knew about my liking for Justin, as it was first spread as a rumor and then when it finally came clean.

Justin released his grasp on me, and adjusted his glasses that made him look extra sexy. (I did not just say that)

"H-hi Justin." I stutter and move the falling hair out of my face.

Justin nods at me subtly, and moves around me to start pouring himself a drink. I frown. He barely cared about my existence, yet I still swooned over him as if there was no other guy in the world. I turn around to leave, and feel and arm touch my shoulder. I get an electric current right through my arm, thinking it's the touch of Justin's hand, although when I turn around that's a whole other story.

"What do you think you're doing?" A girl with an ugly hair cut tells me.

Oh. His girlfriend.

Angie looks slowly at me from head to toe, then pushes me a little backwards.

"Hey!" I yell at her and regain my balance. She rolls her eyes.

"What are you even doing here? Who the heck invited you? Did you just come here so you could flirt with my boyfriend? Look girl, get over it. He'll never be yours. Heck, it's been like almost 3 years now can't you get a grip? I mean please, possibly no one would want to date you."

Those words stab me right in the face. I stumble a little backwards from the stabbing pain of her words, the nasty remarks she had described and intended.

I get it. I wasn't a perfect fit for anyone. So what? Don't need a reminder.

I soon realize that everyone has gone quiet. I look around, and I realize that Justin hasn't said a word. Justin looks from Angie to me nervously, and keeps his mouth shut.

He didn't even bother defending me. I look at the guy who saved my ass from falling, and his expression read the words "terrified" and "angry" all over it. The guy soon clenched his plastic cup, and narrowed his eyes at Angie.

At least he knew what she had done was wrong.

"So what're you still doing here? Scram little bitch, no one wants you at a party full of people who are positively fit for someone and anyone, not full of people like YOU." Angie's words come at me. She pushes me once more with more force this time, causing me to fall on my back. Everyone starts chattering away excitedly.

I get up and don't make eye contact with anyone. I walk away quickly and keep my head down from the shame, and held in my tears so they wouldn't escape and no one would see my weak inside emotions. Angie and others start laughing as I head out of the house, and the hot tears escape my eye lids as they cannot contain themselves any longer.

I break out an ugly sob, and speed walk away from the house. I hear Monica race behind me like the supportive friend she is.

I shouldn't have come to this party.

I don't even think I belong at this party.

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