1. Meeting Raven

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"Alice, wake up!" Jillian gently shook me awake.

Ignoring her, I roll back over. Jillian only woke me up before my alarm when she had to go in early. Being a vet meant she'd sometimes have to go in early if there was an emergency.

"You're 16! you should be all responsible and stuff. Come on," She pestered.

"Were you responsible at my age?" I sat up and kicked off my blanket

"I admit, I wasn't the best teenager." She held up her hands in surrender, "Well I got to get going, remember to feed Bert."

"See you after work." I replied as she rushed out of my room and downstairs.

I heard the door close as I got up started brushing my Golden blonde hair. My hair was naturally straight and went down to the end of my shoulder blade. I decided to just keep it down. After throwing on some ripped black jeans and a loose white t-shirt I went downstairs to make some breakfast.

"Good morning," I greeted Bert my pet crow. We took him in after he flown into our window and broke his wing. We became friends and he decided to stay with us.

"Hello Alice," He greeted back. He was currently perched on the back of a chair in the kitchen.

I poured myself some cereal and sat across from him, "How's life?"

"Fine," he answered hopping down from the back of the chair and onto the table coming towards my cereal. Before he could come over and steal any I gulped down the rest of the cereal and milk.

"Rude" he commented.

"You're supposed to eat bird seed." I put my dishes away in the sink.

"You try eating bird seed! It's disgusting," he complained.

"Well what do you want to eat then?" I questioned opening the fridge so he could see his options.

"Meatloaf!" He jumped up and down.

"I'm taking that for my lunch!" I turned to face him with my hands on my hips.

"I'll teach you to fly," He parted his beak in a smile.

"It's hard learning by yourself okay!" I replied. Last moon I tried turning into a bird and let me tell you flying is harder than it looks!

"You can't fly," He mocked extending his wings.

"Fine," I huffed, "When's the next moon?"

"Forgetful human," He shook his head, "Tomorrow."

"What!" I scrambled to grab my phone off the table and it confirmed what he said.

"You're going to be late for school." He reminded me as I took his food out of the microwave and set it on the table for him.

I stuck my tongue out at him as I left, "Later."

I didn't have to walk very far to get to school, it was only 15 minutes away. My first classes sped by and soon enough it was lunch time, my favourite part of school. When I got to the cafeteria I remembered Bert ate my lunch this morning and I didn't have any lunch money on me.

"Hey look, it's loser," Brittney taunted and her minions laughed as she stopped in front of me.

I smiled in response because as they say, kill em with kindness.

"Ou not talking back today?" She challenged putting one hand on her hip.

I ignored her and sat down at a table. I really don't feel like dealing with her right now. I'm starving and she is not helping my mood.

"I wasn't done talking to you." Her and her squad came up to my table.

"Go away," I groaned.

Brittney gasped in fake surprise, "She spoke!" This caused her little squad to laugh.

"If you don't need something just leave," I traced doodles on the table with my finger.

"You're not very fun today," She continued to annoy me.

"Brittney, leave her alone." A black haired girl with green eyes came up behind me.

Brittney narrowed her eyes at the girl behind me then left, "Ugh, whatever."

I turned to face the black haired girl, she was pretty. She had a light amount of makeup on and wore a burgundy shirt and jean shorts. Never seen her around before, she must be new.

The girl sat next to me, "My name's Raven, nice to meet you."

"I'm Alice, thanks for that by the way," I responded.

"Like Alice in wonderland!" She exclaimed. I get that remark a lot with my name and blonde hair.

"Yeah I wish. Then I could fall down a rabbit hole and escape this place." I smirked.

She laughed, "I can tell we'll be great friends."

"Why do you want to be friends with me? You could hang out with anyone you want," I asked, I didn't have any friends other than Bert and I wasn't popular so why me?

"I could but you seem cool." She shrugged.

The bell rang and we had the next class together so we went together. We exchanged numbers along the way. Soon enough school was over and it was time to go home. 

When I got home from school Bert greeted me at the door and we watched T.V. By his request we were watching some wildlife show and we chatted here and there. Time flew by and Jillian came home. She made dinner and we talked about this guy at her work that she likes named Mark. After dinner I went up to my room to relax.

I picked up my phone when it dinged announcing I received a text,

Hey, it's Raven.


What's your favourite animal?


Just wondering.

Do dinosaurs count as an animal?

Haha sure?

Well I'm going to go, see you at school.

See ya

I set my phone down on my nightstand and changed into my pajamas. It was still early but I needed as much sleep as I can if I'm going to stay up tomorrow to learn to fly. The night I'm forced to shift I just tell Jillian I've got an overnight trip with the school or had to work on an important project at my group mates house and then sneak to the forest. After shifting I'd usually just fall asleep in the forest. I always stay close enough to the house to see it and far enough away no one can see me to be safe.


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