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You decided to go to the gym when you got a call from a Florida number. You answered it and they said that your mom has gotten in a bad accident at work and that she needs her family there as soon as possible. After that call you called your manager and told him that he needed to watch molly and cancel every meeting for the next week, he does what you says and comes to pick up molly. you gave him her food and her schedule on when t feed her and stuff and then went to pack. you packed really fast and booked the first flight you could to get to Florida, you got done packing and told Jonah to take you to the airport fast. You were telling him what happened then you bursted out into tears. you got to the airport and gave him a quick kiss the went t do everything you would at an airport, you got to your gate and had to wait like 20 minutes so you facetimed jonah and told him to to all the boys.

you: sorry guys I had a family emergency

them: its ok do you know what happened yet (they all looked very concerned)

you: no the hospital just told me my mom had an accident

them: oh ok are you gonna be ok

you:yeah ill be fine but i gotta go i'll talk to you guys later

them : love you (they all said at the same time)

you: love you guys too

after the call ended you boarded the plan and soon fell asleep. you woke up by the person next to you telling you there was about 5 minutes left until you guys land. you thank them then you go and see what time it is, it was 2 am. the plan landed then you got off and got your bags, you had an Uber waiting for you so you just went straight to the Uber. the Uber took you to the hospital where your mom was, when you got out the Uber you grabbed your bags then went inside. you asked the lady at the front desk where your mom was, she told you the room and you walked slowly to it , you saw your mom in the bed with tubes in her and bruises all over her. she had needled in her taking out blood and one hooked up to an iv, you walked inside and saw your sister sleeping. you went over to your mom and held her hand, you talked to her for a while then went and layed down next to emma (your sister) you fell asleep and woke up to the nurses saying you had to leave the room , you guys left and you got a hotel for the night because you probably wouldn't be able to see your mom later in the day. you put all your stuff on your bed and facetimed Jonah , he said that he was gonna come to Florida with you and help you out and he already bought a ticket and is in his way tot he airport. You didn't really care because you miss him and you would be really upset if he wasn't there to comfort you. You told him the name of the hotel and you went back to the hospital to see if you were allowed to see your mom, the nurse went up to you and told you what happened. Your mom got pushed down the stairs at work and was beat up, they think it was by someone that was upset you were dating Jonah. You say sorry to your mom and talk about it on twitter and all other social medias "guys please do not touch or mess with my family it's sad to know that one of you guys did this to my mom" you posted a picture of your mom and she was super upset. It was gonna be fine but you were still scared something would happen, you went to get you and Emma some food and you ran into Jonah. When you saw him you cried and ran over to him, you guys hugged and went to a place to tell him what happened. You guys talked and he talked about it on social media too, you guys went to get you and Emma some food. You got some KFC because it was close and you really wanted something fried. After eating you and Jonah went to the hotel room because your mom went to sleep, you guys got bored so you took him to your child hood house and some of your favorite places. You and Jonah were gonna go to the hospital to see if your mom woke up yet but she didn't so you went and bought her some yellow roses which are her favorite flower and put them my her bed. You wrote her a note saying that you will see her tomorrow afternoon because you were gonna go on a date and sleep in. You guys went to the hotel to get ready and your going to a cuddly movie theater so you were some leggings and s tight tank top and Jonah wears a black jacket and some black jeans with some zebra yeezys. You guys are matching and got your shoes together, you guys went to the movie theater and watched the new "it" movie. You get scared easy so your head was basically in jonahs chest the whole time, you guys left the movie theater and went to get some food at the rainforest café. You love the rainforest café because of all the fish tanks and the decorations, you got some chicken salad and Jonah got the same thing. You guys are and talked then you guys walked around the restaurant because it was kinda like an aquarium, this time you didn't get upset. You guys left and had a Netflix marathon, you guys watched a lot of comedian show movie things and you fell asleep after about 5 or 6 more movies.
~time skip~
You woke up at about 12 and Jonah was gone, you called him but he didn't answer so you texted him telling him you were going to the hospital. You didn't really care that he didn't answer because you trust him, you got ready and went to the hospital. The hospital was down the road so you just walked there. Your mom was awake and your sister was asleep, you went to wake up your sister and give her the key to your hotel room so she can sleep. You woke her up and gave her a piggy back ride because she was super tired, you felt bad because you weren't spending as much time with your mom as emma was. You went to your mom room and stayed there all day and you guys were talking about old memories of you and emma. You mom was saying how "you guys had everyone call you em and m because you liked the candy". Also about how you cried everytime you went into a river or lake because of the sea weed plant thing that was always on the ground. You guys laughed and talked all day and you spent the night there on the chairs just like emma did. You always used to look up to emma because she was always the good child, she always got good grades and dated all the good nice boys. You were always jealous of her until you started dating Jonah, he made you feel like you and him were the only things that ever mattered in the world. You fell asleep, you woke up by Jonah coming in, he was gonna stay with you so you weren't alone. You told him to go back because you wanted to be alone but in a nice way so you didn't sound mean, he did what you said and went home. You walked out the hospital giving him a kiss when he left and you sat down in a bench. Staying at the hospital reminded you of when your dad died and you started crying, you cried so much you ran out of tears. You drank water so you wouldn't dehydrate but the water just turned into more tears. It was about 10pm at this time so you called Jonah and told him to come back, he could tell you were crying. When he came he brought you a jacket because you told him you were cold, he brought you one of his so you should cuddle in it. He brought you a coffee and some pizza, you ate and then layed down on his shoulder and fell asleep. You woke up and Jonah was asleep so you walked over to your mom who was awake, you talked to her and told her about what happened last night and she said that she can come home today. By now all the internal bleeding stopped and she didn't break any bones, all she had was a couple brouises by now and a sore body. She still had to stay in bed though. After that news you helped her get dressed and woke up Jonah, jonah ordered an uber to your childhood house and carried your mom into her room. You said thank you and made you all some lunch, you called emma and told her that mom was home but you had to leave in 2 days so emma would have to watch her. But not as much as when she was in the hospital, emma was always good at taking care of people and she didn't care. So you and Jonah packed your bags and got ready for tomorrow, Disney was a cool thing to go to so you called john and he was gonna come too. You and Jonah went to the hotel and got ready for the day, you were gonna take him to your favorite place today. You were gonna take jonah to the state fair, you and Emma went all the time you always had jade and john there. Jade and john are twins and that's why their names are super similar. Of course you invited them so it wasn't boring, you and Jonah love going on ride so you went on all of them. You guys got funnel cake when you saw .....
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I'm super sorry I didn't post for 2 days I got hit my Irma and didn't have power for a while but we finally got it back earlier and yeah so I'm going to make another long halter like this one to make up for those days. And THANK YOU sooooo much for over 200 reads I never thought I would get any. I was super shy at first but writing this has helped a lot and I love responding to you guys so dm me or comment. I love you guys byeeeeee ❣️❣️

The girl next door (complete) // Jonah Marais Where stories live. Discover now