Big bang !

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You walk down stairs and see 2 men robing your living room about to come up stairs . You run up stairs and lock yourself in the room with molly and you try to keep her quiet while you call 911 .
Dispatcher : 911 what is your emergency
You : there's 2 men robing my house
Dispatcher : what's your address
You tell her your address and she send 2 cops your way . After that you text the why don't we boys and tell them what's happening
Corbitch ❣️ : are the cops on there way
You ❣️: yes but idk what to do
Jonah ❣️: hide and keep molly safe
Daniel❣️ : we'll go and slash their tires
You ❣️ : no you'll get hurt if they see you
Noodles 😍❣️: we always wear all black, they can't see us and it's 2 am
You ❣️: it's not a good idea but I can't stop you

The boys go and slash the tires to the car. the men find their way upstairs and go into your bedroom and they find your jewelry and took it all ,right when they heard the cops they ran down stairs and into their car and tried to get away but the tires were all flat and soon enough the cops got there and arrested them. then you went over to the boys house to sleep because you were scared . You slept on the couch until Jonah says you can sleep on his bed he shares a bed with Daniel but since you and Daniel were best friends you didn't care. you said "ok" and went upstairs to sleep . You woke up and noonish and checked your phone everyone on twitter was asking if you were ok . You sent out a tweet and an instagram post saying "I am fine and molly is too my house is a mess but the only things they took were a tv and my jewelry" . Soon you went back to your house with molly and feed her and let her outside , you looked online to try and find some good security cameras and then the boys arrived to help you clean up the place . "Thank god I just moved in and don't have much" you say with a laughter of relief and you all started cleaning
~ time skip ~
The house was clean and the boys were still over playing with molly and setting up the security cameras your manager brought you , you went to take a shower and was jamming out to "young dumb and broke" .  Instead of just singing in the shower you had a full on performance and heard laughing from down stairs . After about 6 songs you were done in the shower and were feeling lazy so you put on a sports bra with a "why don't we" sweater and some sweatpants with black socks and sat on the couch . You said you wanted donuts so you , zach and corbyn went to get some , corbyn was driving with you and zach in the back . zach was flirting with you so you flirted back , after getting the donuts you guys Flirted more on the ride home . After you got home you were still flirting and The other boys started to notice . Corbyn said that you guys were flirting while you went to get donuts and you got mad so you went on a walk . You went for a walk and then called Logan to pick you up because you were mad soon he found you and you guys went to his apartment , he was gonna play a prank on his brother . You haven't met him yet so you agreed and replaced all of his merch with Logan merch and soon he got home so you hid in his kitchen cabinet and Logan was behind the door with a air horn and a merch gun . You pooped out and spared him with silly string and he was confused on why you were there because he knew you from instagram . You guys formally got introduced and both of them were vlogging , you check your phone and see that you had missed calls and texts from all the boys and snapchats from them of your dog in your bed . You decide to get an uber home said hi to everyone except corbyn and you went to your backyard and looked at the view , you look back and see zach coming to apologize and you cut him off "it's ok zach it was just flirting it's not like you like me or anything " he said " yeah but I wanted to try my pickup lines and clearly they worked but your really funny and good at flirting you should teach jack so he knows what to do when he flirts with you" . You both laugh and hug, then you go apologize to corbyn and say "I'm sorry corbyn I didn't mean to get so mad I just over reacted when you told them because I like jack and me and zach were just trying pick up lines on each other " he says "it's ok and I won't tell people anything about you if you don't want me to" you say "ok" then walk back inside . Then theres a knock at the door you open it and see .....
(870 words)
I think I'm gonna end all my chapters with a cliff hanger and someone dm me ideas for later chapters because idk how long I will have mine . I try to update everyday and it's working so far but I'm in high school and have homework a lot so if I don't update I will make it up and update 2 chapters a day. Also I update whenever I can so sometime there will be 2 a day or more thank you for all the support . ❣️❣️

The girl next door (complete) // Jonah Marais Where stories live. Discover now