Bonus Chapter (6) Mess ups and Make ups

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"Hold tight, my darling." The phone goes dead and I let it fall into my lap, feebly wiping at my eyes with trembling hands. I rationalize that it's pointless to try and sleep now that I'm all worked up.

Heading into the bathroom, I splash cool water on my face and dab it dry before shrugging into Magnus' sweatshirt that I brought with me. It hugs me nicely since he has such a smaller frame than myself, but I love it more than any of my own clothes. The knit is soft and warm, a graphite colour, thick and comfy, perfect for the chilly September air that permeates even the warmest of rooms. Pulling on my jeans and sliding into my socks, I make my way into the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of water.

I nearly pee myself when the lock on Izzy's apartment door jimmys and someone makes their way inside.

Turning around quickly, I frantically search for a weapon or something to defend myself, just in case. Coming up short, I look up when the living room light clicks on.

Magnus cradles Cleo to his chest, her pink and black leopard spot onesie on, hood up with ears sticking out of the top. Her eyes are half open, a sleepy smile on her face as she looks at me across the room. Setting the cup of water down, I look up from her face to Magnus. His hair is fallen over his forehead. He's wearing my hoodie and a pair of joggers, looking a complete mess. Looking completely perfect. I want to jump the counters and get to them, but I settle for quietly making my way over as to not wake Izzy.

When he's in my arms, the world feels right again. Cleo squirms from her squished place between our chests, but I laugh quietly and pull her closer, kissing her forehead before kissing Magnus. His lips are smooth and feel like my past, present and future all wrapped up into one ideal package.

Being away from him, I realize, is just not an option, not when my heart literally beats for these two humans. Not when my life is lived for them.


"Magnus, look at you!" I gush. Cleo's off from school today, snow day, and she's been going solid to preschool for 2 months now, loving every second of her freedom away from her dads'. Personally, I'm a little hurt. I'll admit to being a mother hen and spending my days without her around has been tough. Especially when the business is running so smoothly that they barely need us anymore. Magnus and I spend a lot of time cuddling, drinking coffee and binge-watching Netflix. But neither of us have ever been the type to settle for simplicity.

That's why he's finally mastered changing diapers. On our 8-month-old adopted son, Roman.

Magnus picks Ro up from the changing table, wearing a look of sheer pride as he turns him left and right briefly to assess his work, which is perfect, might I add. Ro looks at him with gleaming blue eyes, his dirty blonde hair an absolute disaster on top of his head. But he's without flaw, our little boy.

"It only took two kids and you've got it figured out," I joke, reaching out to tickle Ro's pudgy toes, earning a gleeful squee out of it. The smile on my face in reaction to that is so wide it nearly hurts.

"Oh hush, Alexander, not all of us are housewives," he teases back, tucking Ro into his chest as he rifles through the dresser to find some clothes. I scoff and wander up beside him, grabbing some fuzzy socks to help combat the cold. Once Ro is bundled up in a cosy onesie and some poofy white socks, Magnus and I make our way to the living room.

I watch as he situates himself on the couch with our son and I can't help but smile proudly as I head into the kitchen to make hot chocolate for us. I can't help thinking this is how it's supposed to be. My little family, absolute love.

Cleo storms her way down from upstairs, wrapping herself around my leg. Laughing, I hand her a mini marshmallow, watching as she pops it into her mouth. Her dark hair is french braided to perfection, courtesy of Magnus, her papa, considering I'm at a total loss when it comes to anything beauty related. Magnus takes the cake for that, being the best darn designer for our little girl ever. I'm pretty sure all the school moms are envious, honestly.

She grins up at me with a toothy smile, eyes gleaming with curiosity and my heart swells with love for her. I can hear Magnus cooing to Ro in the living room, the sound of the television mindlessly humming in the background. Chairman Meow comes wandering into the room, and with a squeal, Cleo is chasing him around the room. It's a bit chaotic, a lot of work, but I'd never have it any other way.

Popping a few marshmallows into Cleo's cup of hot chocolate, I think back on my life, rewinding all the way back to being a confused kid who was attracted to boys but thought he was living a sin. Thinking back to being afraid of myself, of hiding who I was, of getting disowned for being different. I try to remember what it felt like to be unwanted, to be unloved, but now, with my chest blooming with warmth and affection, I find I can't place the dark feelings. They don't have a home here anymore.

I focus on meeting Magus, on changing my life for the better and falling in love with him. I try to pinpoint the exact moment I knew I was a goner, but all I can think about is that first night. I was so insecure, so afraid, but I think, somehow, part of me knew that my future was him. And by the angel, was it right.


Hope you liked that chapter! It's a bit all over the place, but I think it's cute all the same. Love you guys!

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