Chapter 1 - The meeting.

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*Shinaydes POV*

I finished packing my last bags, and got to the door of the house.

"Make sure you have everything."

"I do mum.."

"Do you really?"


"Socks on?"


"Dinner Money?"


"Train Ticket."

"Check. Can I go now?"

"You better, or you'll be late. Have a good day sweetie."

I gave mum a hug, and left. Today was my first day at a new school. My names Shinayde. I live in a small village in the middle of nowhere called Springville, which only has a school up to 13 years, and I've just turned 14, therefore I have to go to a school outside of the village. I have to get a bus everyday from Springville to Milton Keynes, then a train from Milton Keynes to London. Luckily, my best friend Kaytee is the same age as me, and has to go to a new school as well.

I'd gotten round the corner, at the bus stop I saw Kaytee standing there nervously.

"Wassup Kay?"

"Nothing.. I'm just, you know.. worried. We're gonna be at a mixed school, we've never had boys with us! Plus we'll be the new girls.. what if no one likes us?"

"Chill your beans, I'm sure we'll be absolutely fine."

We got onto the bus, and I stared out the window as we approached a sign saying "Milton Keynes". Mum had shown me where to get off and where to get on the train to London, but it was still very scary. It was 7:30 by now, so me and Kaytee went and got a hot chocolate, and got on the train. We noticed a boy, about our age on the train, sitting by himself. He looked perfect. I know you shouldn't judge by looks but I mean, he looked perfect! Lush brown hair, beautiful brown eyes, too bad he had his earphones in otherwise I'd have gone and said hello.

"Go on.." said Kaytee.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Speak to him. I can see the way you're glaring at him, you like him.

"What?! I don't know him Kaytee!"

"That's why you go over to him and GET to know him!" she said, and she pushed me off my seat, so i was in the middle of the lane of the train. He looked at me puzzled, then smiled and took his earphones out.

"You okay down there?"

"No.. she's not. She can't sit on this seat because there's no room" Kaytee said, shoving her bags on the seat.

"Oh, would you like to sit here? Theres plenty of room :)" he said, grinning.

I gave Kaytee a worried look, and she gave me a "go-for-it" look, so I sat down. I didn't know what to say to him. I'd never had a friend who was a boy. Only boy I knew was my cousin who lived in Great Yarmouth. But then my worries went, he started speaking!

"So where you off to then?" he said.

"Uhmm, London."

"Same here! I have to get this train everyday to get to school."

"Oh really? Same here, well starting today I do."

"Awesome! What school you attending ?"

"I believe it's called, Whitfield Music Academy."

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