5. cheesburger

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Sticks crackled under my path, the trees swayed against the wind and little bunny rabbits scurried across the empty field my feet had taken me to. I knew exactly where I was and I couldn’t wait for the sound of cars zooming past, the friction causing the wind to whip across my face as it becomes just a strip of color. Not only would I be halfway to my destination, but it would mean I was safe, or more unlikely for me to get caught. The police force in town consist of one sheriff, one deputy and an aaron boy. They have bigger fish to fry than me.


As I walked my feet began to tire and the urge to just fall to my knees and give up became more and more apparent. I didn’t though, I kept going, moving my feet and wiping away sweat the burning sun had cause to fall down my face.


Night had being to fall and I had run across a small stream. I only stared at it, not wanting to get too close, for I had a problem with water.


My eyes closed, and I fell to the ground, my body began to shake as a memory replayed itself like it hand many times before.


“This is what happens to ‘it’ children like you.”  her words caused my fingers to dig into my skin as a cry slipped from my lips.


The bathroom was dimmer than usual, looking up you’d notice a missing light bulb, the reason for my punishment.


The rushing sounds of the bathtub filling with water made my stomach crawl, I wanted to cry so bad, but I had no emotions to spill out. I was void of feelings.


Mother got out the bucket I would use to put the mop chemicals in. She began to pull out an array of different cleaning supplies and then proceeded emptying them all into the bucket. The smell was already making my head spin. I prayed she wouldn’t make me bathe in them.


As the bathtub neared being half of the way filled, mothers hand reached for the knob and turned the water off. No steam came running up through the bathroom, the water was cold and that made me more frightened. Looking up at mother's face, her mouth was cocked in a smirk as she commanded me to get in.


Doing as I was told, I could feel my body shut down, the chemicals made my eyes heavy and the water began to make my body contract. Mother just shut the door and watched, she didn’t seem to mind the smell of bleach. It seemed to of make her even scarier than before. I kept my eyes glued to the ceiling just hoping this pain would end. I didn’t want to ever wake up, I wanted to fade out. To have my soul leave my body and travel the world, to explore the world outside the walls that imprisoned me here.


Maybe if I died, mother would be caught, she wouldn’t get away with the pain she inflicted on one of her own. That’s the one thing that always tugged at me, maybe I’d feel differently if I was adopted or maybe a third cousin removed. I wasn’t though, I was blood and she had stained the walls of my heart in a crimson fire. My heart beat in anger and in sadness, for I’d never be able to understand the reasoning behind her actions.


“You can get up now, and put a new lightbulb in.” her words monotone.

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