The boys ran to us exchanging bear hugs, resulting on Zayn giving me such a good hug he lifted me in the air.

They ran on stage and made their speech, started by Liam “Wow! Thank you guys so much! This award belongs to our fans! Thank you for voting for us!”

Then Harry “Thank you guys so much! This is the dream we just came true with your help! You’re amazing! I love you guys!” he said eyeing and smiling at Laura? Ooh... and what did she did? That’s right!

Then... ZAYN! “Like they said thank you all so much! Without you guys we wouldn’t be able to be here in first place! You’re amazing! You’re beauty...!” he said but interrupted the last word. Why? Well, anyway, he was looking at me and smiling and I think he zoned out when he was saying the phrase! Uhm... did he meant “You’re beautiful!”? Was he saying it to me? Weird!

At the end we had to go to the press room just like the boys, but we were first! (Take that boys!!! *evil laugh).

Our press room time was done and we waited for the boys, well kind of!

There was an after-party which of course we attended with the boys. There were a lot of celebrities (obviously Sara you’re at the BRITS AWARDS!! -,- *sigh) like Justin Bieber (A/N: Add some squeal in that if you feel like it! xD), Rihanna, Adele, The Wanted!!

As we were partying me and Zayn exchanged numbers (just in case) and were talking when Liam came over to us and said “Hey Zayn, can I talk to you for a second?” he looks at me and giving me an ‘i’ll be right back’ smile goes with him.

Laura’s POV:

I can’t believe this! Was Zayn about to say “you’re beautiful” to Sara? Let me tell you that I think I know some black haired boy from Bradford who is starting to get a crush on my best friend.

Anyways, after the ceremony and press room we went to the after-party.

I had already exchange numbers with Harry and talking and dancing, when Liam came and asked him if he could talk to him for a second, he had Zayn behind him. Seems serious. Before Harry go with him he gave me an apologetical smile.

Zayn’s POV:

I was in the after-party with Sara so peacefully we had already exchanged numbers, still can’t believe I had the guts to that. You’re probably thinking ‘Oh c’mon you’re Zayn Malik, one of the hotties of One Direction, you can have as many girls as you want’. No, I know that there a lot of girls out there who would die with just a touch of my hand in theirs, I still think that that’s weird, anyway, Sara makes me feel something I never felt for a girl before, I get nervous when she looks at me, whenever she smiles or her eyes meet mine. You may think it’s corny but that’s what how I feel about her and I would do anything to have her with me.

“Hey Zayn, can I talk to you for a second?” says Liam appearing from the middle of nowhere. I give Sara an ‘i’ll be right back’ look and I go with Liam.

I was trying to ask him what was up, but he kept walking in front of me, now going towards Harry and Laura.

He tells Harry the same he said to me and walks away in front of us walking to the rest of the boys.

“What did I tell you guys?” he says turning to me and Harry

“What are you talking about?” I ask

“About what Simon said like ‘don’t flirt’ with them not even remembering the rest!” he emphasizes the ‘flirt’.

“And I already told you to chill, we’re old enough to fix everything if we get into mess!” I say, I admit I’m getting a little annoyed with these stupid rules. I don’t care what will happen I just want to get to know her, or something more, probably.

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