~I'm Broken~

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Josh (is like this) You (is this font)

Josh: I'm Sorry :(                                                                                 7:32 pm

Josh: Y/n...Please reply                                                                     7:33 pm

Josh:  Y/n I'm so sorry                                                                         7:33 pm

Y/n: Please don't talk to me.                                                           Send 7:36

*Seen at 7:37*

why can't Josh just leave me alone....He kissed an other girl. And didn't even try anything to stop her. He just went full in.


"meet me after the interview okay" Josh says smiling, showing his dimples, and tiger teeth. Hugging me, His hugs always feel like small cuddles. I wait for 2 hours..Shouldn't they be done by now? I go around the set looking for Josh.."JOSH WHAT ARE YOU DOING" I hear tyler yell "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THIS" Jenna yells. I go running to were all the yelling from. I see Josh holding a girl with Jet black hair, A dress that's way to short. And heels..heels. The fuck. I didn't notice i was crying In-till i hear "Come on guys let's go" I hear Tyler say, Having his arm around me with Jenna also having her arm around me. Letting my warm tears go down. We go out of the building to the nearest park. I'm not surprised it's the same park were I met josh, we sat in the same spot and just let me sob. I sobbed into Jenna's shirt. We get up and they take me home

*end of flashback

i go running to my room. nobody home.i lay in my bed opening my phone..and put the song. i will always love...truce. i listen while crying and sobbing in till i hear the doorbell. i didn't care if i looked like a mess. I go to the door and unlock it. I see Dan standing in the door with a sad face. He hugs me. I embrace the hug and sob. "Lets go." I go to my room and get paper. "how did you know i was sad?" "Jenna and Tyler told me" Dan says playing with his fingers..."And I love you to much to let you here to be sad and crying by yourself and just here letting your heart out by yourself an-" I hugged him. and put my head on his shoulder. sobbing. "he doesn't deserve you. You deserve better" Dan says while hugging me. He holds my hand..His hand is warm, Like a warm chip...I don't know I'm hungry. I decided to watch the lion king with dan. We cuddled up in are fourt...oh yeah we made a fort i like it. but dan legs keep getting in the way. 

Josh POV

I DIdn't mean it..I was drunk...i was- I dont know..she dose deserve better.now my friends are gone. Hey i can set up Y/n to brendon and see if she would go straight to him..


I decided to go out and buy ice cream. Not only cause I was craving it and it was my time of the month. But just cause i wanted ice cream all week. I decided to go to the cold isle and there we go found it. I carried my ice cream in till. "hi-Ugh i'm Brendon" I didn't know how to respond...well I can't respond at all. I just decided to ignore him and stuff. I decided to tell him in sign language that I'm mute.. He responded with "It's okay"...it's okay..I'm not going to go through this little josh thing again. Nothing is okay. i'm not falling for an other trapdoor...not today...not ever. But I don't wanna seem rude...NO It's not rude. You just got through a breakup..But I guess I could be his friend...but do I want more friends....But..I just don't wanna be fall again....

Mute ~Josh Dun x reader~Where stories live. Discover now