Chapter 1, Where It Began

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  • Dedicated to For the person who made Highschool DxD

Alright. Let me get this off my manly chest right off the bat. I'm a total loser with no social or love life. I have average grades, which means I'm barely passing. I'm not muscular, I'm not popular, and I have no reflexes whatsoever. So, this is where she changed my life.

 I was sitting in my 5th class, my study hall, when she walked in. She has blonde hair, dark red eyes (kinda scary), and a perfect body. She attracted everyone’s attention but mine. I'd always look out the window to the gym class outside. I didn’t know what it was, but it felt like she was watching me. It was creeping me out. You don't know the feeling of a really hot chick with dark mystical eyes and a perfect body keeping an eye on you. I try not look at her because any girl I look at for more than a few seconds, would call me a pervert. Mentally, I'm a perv, but I don’t express it. 

 I picked up my laptop, along with my other things and went to my locker, I got this tingly sensation in my back. It was a weird feeling almost like someone was touching me. My head forcefully moved to my left, to where she was standing. At the end of the hall, her blonde hair flowing from the wind, her elegant body; she had pulled my head to look at her. Again, I think I was just getting paranoid by that point. I shook my head and ran to class at the other end of the school. My school is massive, almost three football fields length. We had over 4,000 kids in my high school.

 At the end of the day, I was walking home. My book bag was slung over my shoulder. A weird feeling suddenly hit my stomach, so I look down. "W-What?!"

I stood, looking down at the hole that was now in my chest. My vision blurred as I looked up to see who threw the object. It was....a girl....I don't know...I just wanna...

                                             * * * * * * * * *

 “This morning, on the 7:00 am News, we have a serious problem on our hands....” His alarm clock sprang to life with the news of his town. He rubbed his eyes open and sat up. He looked at himself. He had no marks of what happened that previous night. He also noticed that he had on no shirt on but he had his school pants on. He jumped off his bed and stretched. Grabbing his school shirt off his dresser, he walked out of his room to only see her, standing in his hallway. His face flushed red, not having a shirt on when one of his classmates saw him, was a weird experience. He ducked back into his room and popped his head out of his doorway. He made a confused face.

“Excuse me...” he said in a nervous but curious tone. “What might you be doing here? Like.... in my house?” She smirked at him as she walked towards him. Her mischievous smile creeped him out but he stood still.

 “Wow,” she finally said as she reached his door. “You heal quite fast, Vertex.” She placed her right hand on his chest. “Does it still hurt?”

Mark couldn't speak at all. She found out his last name, spoke calmly to him, and knew what happened to him. Mark opened his mouth but nothing came out.

 "What’s the matter? That little girl still have your tongue?” She mocked. She pressed her finger to his lips as his mother passed by them, not even noticing a bright blonde in his doorway. She made him sit on his bed as she grabbed a chair, sat, and crossed her legs. “Now let me explain. I am a demon. Daughter of Lucifer, the Demon King, also, but rarely known as Satan. My name is Lilith Marax” She stopped for all of that to sink in to him.

 His mind went berserk. First, he got stabbed, and then the next morning, a girl is in his hallway! He was pretty shaken up all the same. He took a hard look at the girl, trying to make sense of his situation.

“’re a demon? Like those scary beings from stories?” He asked her cautiously. She nodded, smiling calmly. “Does...” He pointed toward himself. “Since you're telling me this...does this mean I'm a demon now?” His voice cracked as he spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2015 ⏰

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