Where you meet

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Cameron- at a photoshoot, you're his makeup artist

Nash- at skylynn's daycare, you are dropping your little cousin off

Jack G- at an amusement park, you sit beside him on a ride that your friend was afraid to go on

Jack J- at school, you're his partner for an in class project

Taylor- at magcon, you ask for a pic with him and he says yes then asks for your number after

Matt- at Starbucks, it was 2am and he was trying to get coffee without any fans seeing him but he didn't mind you seeing him ; )

Carter- at the beach, he falls his surfboard several times so you tease him a little

Shawn- at an Ed Sheeran concert, he asks you if you wanna dance (I know it's weird but it's to a slow song) and you say yes

Aaron- at the airport, he approaches you and you two hit it off immediately

Hayes- at the KCA's, you were one of the lucky kids to get a job backstage and you meet him there

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