Seeking Advice (Harry)

Start from the beginning

"I told you nothing of this, you know nothing of this." he said, and at his words, your smile widened a little.

"My lips are sealed." you answered, and the boy nodded as he examined you curiously.

"I have only met three Ravenclaws, including you. The first one, seems normal to me, like everyone else. The second, is a little weird and peculiar but she is very wise and I trust her entirely. You, are exceptionally curious, and are not afraid to ask questions and make assumptions. All three of you are very different from the other." he said, and at his words, you raised an eyebrow at him.

"I believe Cho seems normal to you mainly because you like her." you started, and Harry's eyes widened at your words. "You like Luna because she has helped you, and as for me, I believe you just have to get used to my character." you said, and the boy shook his head before smiling softly at you.

"As I said, you are making quite many assumptions. You think that I am talking of Cho and Luna, but you may be wrong." he reminded you, and a small smirk appeared on your lips at his words.

"Learn this; I rarely make wrong assumptions." you said, before winking at the boy. Harry rolled his eyes before standing up, and turning to walk away.

"I'll leave you to your reading. I'll come find you to tell you of the outcome of my teaching." he said, and with that, he left the library. You let a small smile appear on your face as you looked down at your book and started reading again. Who would think that being in the company of the chosen one would be enjoyable?


Almost a week later, you were in the library once again, reading a different book this time, about the different kinds of magical plants in the world, when you heard someone sit opposite you. You looked up, only to find a grinning Harry there, looking at you. At his obvious happiness and satisfaction, you couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

"What's got you so happy?" you asked him, and the boy's grin widened a little as he looked at you.

"My first time teaching was today. I just came back from the meeting." he said, and you nodded at his words.

"I see. You just came back from the meeting of your illegal organisation." you said, and the boy nodded at your words.

"I first showed them how to cast the disarming charm, and I have to say, you were right to suggest this one. Few knew how to actually cast it." he said, and at his words, you allowed a small smile to curve at the corner of your lips.

"I'm glad I was of help, then." you said. "Tell me, Harry." you continued, your curiosity getting the best out of you. "How many people do you teach in this organisation?"

The boy bit his cheek as he seemed to hesitate to answer your question. He averted his eyes from yours as he looked at the book you were reading before opening his mouth to speak.

"I do not know exactly how many. I can tell you for sure that there is no Slytherin in the organisation, and I am also teaching some Ravenclaws."

"Cho and Luna being two of them, I presume?" you asked, and the boy looked up at you, disbelief in his eyes shining as clear as day.

"How do you even know this? I did not tell you anything about that." he exclaimed, and you smiled slightly as you looked at him.

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