Chapter 13: Bloodbath

Comenzar desde el principio

Ethan gave me a soft smile before walking back to my room. Letting out a sigh, I quickly walked down the stair and into the kitchen to see my parents were no longer there. I spotted my car keys on the counter and ran over to it before grabbing it and running out the door.

Closing the door behind me, I ran down to my car and hopped inside. Starting the engine, I heard a beeping sound and saw there was little to no gas left. I wasn't going to make it.

"Rio, you're going to have to hold on tight," I stated before pulling my hoodie over my head. Rio positioned himself between my shoulder and neck. Letting out a sigh, the rain started pouring harder and I opened the door before running down the driveway and around the corner.

"You're going to have to direct me," I shouted over the heavy rain that was now soaking me within seconds.

I followed Rio's directions and after 7 minutes of running around, I found in the middle of the woods. At this point, Rio then buzzed some more saying he left Hazel in his spot. It was almost pitch black to the point where I could barely see where I was going. The only thing that gave me light was the moon and the strokes of lightning in the sky.

"Hazel," I whispered looking around the trees. I reached in my pocket for my phone but mentally cursed as I remember I had left it on the dresser in my room.

"Rio, you're going to have to fly around and try to find him, " I whispered.

Rio buzzed and flew out of my hoodie. Carefully walking around, I continued to look for Hazel. After a minute or so, Rio came flying back buzzing around saying he found Hazel. I followed Rio and heard some shouting in the distance. As I got closer, I saw a bunch of headlights and guys walking around.

As I got closer, my eyes widened at what I was witnessing. There was guys with guns scattered around and in the center was Victor standing there. Some of the guys had there weapons aimed at him.

Rio started buzzing and I looked to see Hazel was 3 feet away hiding in a bush. I silently made my way over to him. Kneeling down, I gently lifted him out of the bush. The lights from the cars made it easier for me to see Hazel. He was laying on his side and I could see his back left leg was almost detached from his body.

He started to let out a weak chatter and I hushed him since there were guys walking around with guns. I hovered my right hand over Hazel's leg and closed my eyes to focus. Drowning out the footsteps from the guys and their voices, I focused on Hazel's leg. The wind blew slightly and I opened my eyes and looked down at Hazel. He had his neck turned so he was looking back at his leg. I moved my hand to see his leg was being reattached and all his blood was being sucked back up. Within seconds, he looked like a normal squirrel again.

Hazel quickly got up and started cheering before running around me in circles. I couldn't help but smile at how happy he was. I then shushed him again causing him to look at me. I nodded towards the headlights that was coming from the cars. He turned around and I turned my attention back to the guys that had Victor surrounded.

I walked up closer and hide behind a bush. I know I should be leaving but something just felt wrong.

"I don't know what to do to you Victor," a guy with a dark blue jacket and assault gun spoke as he stepping in front Victor. Victor stood there and casually shrugged, "He should of paid me back," he replied.

"Ray didn't deserve this. He was a good leader," the guy shouted.

Ray. Where have I heard that name before?

I could see Victor rolling his eyes, "A good leader?" he laughed, "A good leader knows how to pay someone back. A good leader doesn't kill his own family and a good leader doesn't run from a fight. Ray shouldn't have ran," Victor spoke in firm tone.

Nature's Freak - BOOK 1 ✔ (Unedited)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora