First day

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Any kpoppers here tho??
If no then don't watch the media lol 😂
Amy's pov
I woke up then do my daily routine,i go out to my room,"wow they are not even awake yet -_-"i idea come up,then i go downstairs.

I go upstairs holding two pans,i clash them together and shouted "WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UPPP"i shouted."Hey! CUT THAT OUT "rouge shouted in her room."ITS OUR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL AND I DONT WANT TO BE LATE BC OF ALL YOU LAZYHEADS"i shouted.then cream came out of her room."i'm already ready amy!"she said."cream don't be like those two lazyheads if you don't want to get detention on the first day"i said."yes amy"she said."good girl"i said as i patted her head."HEY WAKE UPPPP ITS 6:50 IF YOU DONT WANNA BE LATE THEN HURRY THE FUDGE UP"i said as clash the pans together again."OK OK I AM READY"blaze said."I AM FUDGING READY HAPPY NOW??"rouge said."yea finally you wake maybe next time i'll pour you cold water or get smacked by my hammer"i said.they tched at me."now lets go"i said."do you even know where the school is?"blaze said with an annoyed tone."yea of course thats why i have this map so we couldn't get Lost"i said.they were off to school.

At School
(A/N:still amy's pov)
"Finally we're here!"rouge said."rouge its only a 1 minute walk and your already tired,why can't you fly instead of walking"i said."i am tired to fly ok"she said."ok"i said.we go in the gates,"woah this school is big super big!"cream said."its even bigger than our previous school"blaze said."it sure is"i said."btw i am going to the senior high's building see you later guys!"cream said."bye cream"we said."oh and don't forget were going to meet at the cafeteria!"rouge said."of course"cream said as she run to the senior high building."so what class do you have guys?"blaze asked."i have math,ugh i hate this subject"rouge said."how about you two?"rouge said."i have art"i said."i have dance"blaze said."aww good for you,you have dance class"rouge said."guys i think the bell is about to ring we should head to class"i said."sure"they said.the girls separated to go to their classes.

At Class
"Ok class we're having a new student today,so please come in ms.rose"the teacher said.i come in the class,then the class started to stare at me.i felt that the boys having heart pupils on their eyes and a death glare from the girls."pls introduce yourself ms.rose"the teacher said."hi!i'm amy rose! I'm 18 years old,oh i like cooking,draw and playing volleyball and basketball"i said.the class stare at me like its their first time hearing a girl can play basketball."tch am i the only girl who can play basketball?"i thought.

"Ok amy you can sit next to sonic,the blue hedgehog beside the window"the teacher said."ok"i said.i go over to sit next to this hedgehog,I presumed i sit down,many girls have death glares at me while the boys have jealousy eyes to the one next to me.

"Ok class draw something that inspires you the most"the teacher said.everyone groaned while me just shrugged with my shoulders.

I started drawing about a rose,i draw this bc its inspire me the most,bc its beautiful and it resembles my last name.(A/N:BTW here's her drawing)

Its beautiful right?,when i draw i always think its ugly tho,but anyways the times up we give our drawings to our teacher

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Its beautiful right?,when i draw i always think its ugly tho,but anyways the times up we give our drawings to our teacher."hmm quite impressive amy,i'll give this art a 💯 score"the teacher said.then everyone started clapping."sonic i'll give you 99% on your art"the teacher said.the class clapped only the girls tho but there are 10 boys who clapped.(A/N:oh stupid me,this is sonic's art)

(A/N:oh stupid me,this is sonic's art)

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(A/N:tbh why did i pick this tho).sonic looked at me with an angry face,i gave him my what-did-i-do-? Look.suddenly the bell rings ,i fixed my things and got up.

Sonic's POV
I was sitting at my seat silently ignoring the girls looking at me."ok class we're having a new student today,pls come in ms.rose"the teacher suddenly said."rose?"i thought.i pink hedgehog came in the classroom."i-isn't that amy? As in amy rose?"i thought.
"Ok pls introduce yourself ms.rose"the teacher said."hi!i'm amy rose!oh i like to draw,cook and play volleyball and basketball"amy said.
The boys looked at herlike they have a crush on her."tch she became more beautiful than ever,she's going to get so many attention"i thought."ms.rose go sit beside sonic that blue hedgehog sitting at the back next the window"the teacher said.amy looked at me and smiled,she go sit beside me."tsss she can't even remember me does she have amnesia or something?"i thought.

"Ok class draw something that inspire you the most"the teacher idea come up,i started drawing it.

(Spongebob's narrator)a few minutes later

The time was up,we gave our drawings to my teacher."hmm quite impressive amy,i'll give this art a 💯 score"the teacher said.everyone clapped."what no fair!!"i shouted in my thoughts."sonic,i'll give this art 99 score"the teacher said.the girls clapped there were a few boys clapped."WHAT!!!!!!THERE IS NO WAY SHE COULD GO OVER ME IN ART"i shouted in my thoughts.i turned to amy and give her my angry face,then she gave me what-did-i-do-? Look."don't act so innocent,you'll pay for this"i thought.suddenly the bell ringed.i saw her fixing her things,got up and go out of the room,i saw a book on her desk.i took it and it sayed "Amy's Diary"."meh i'll read it later"i said to myself.i fix my things and got up too
Hi guys did you like the first chapter? I hope you like it.

Word count:1065

Be His Maid(Sonamy FF)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang