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As I looked to the distance,
There's not much to see.
Only the blurry image
Whether it was my tears or rain
Dropped and slid down my cheeks
I didn't bother to wipe

Sometimes during this time
I just need someone that would hold me
So tight, and assure me
"everything will be alright, I'm here"
That simple word is all I need
But not many willing to say it,
And not many can prove it

As I looked to the distance,
I can only feel
Like I'm looking back
To where I was standing on a road
That leads to nowhere
With an umbrella, the rain's down pouring
Or the heat from the sun shone directly
All of them surrounding me,
None could communicate

Sometimes during this time,
I just need someone that could understand
The loneliness, the emptiness I was facing
This sounds too much, but that's how it is
Can you say to me, "I'm here for you"?
That simple word is all I need
But not many willing to say it

If I stay, what would I see?
If I walk, where would I go?
Under the pouring rain,
Thoughts burdening me more
Whether it was my tears or rain,
It dropped on my cheeks,

I didn't bother to erase it.

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