Chapter 2- Unlocking Secrets

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      My mommy and I walk home in silence. Although I guess she isn't my mommy anymore. But she will always be like a mommy to me, because she is. Once we reach the door, Mommy asks if I want dinner. "No," I reply, "I'm just going to bed" I walk upstairs, change into pajamas, and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. 


When I wake up, I think about last night. How I have a twin brother. How I should be Dauntless. Dauntless, like I have always dreamed. Their freedom. I turn around to my dresser and pull out my Abnegation clothes. I wonder if I could move to my Dauntless family. I shake the thought from my head and change. When I walk downstairs, I see my mom making breakfast. We sit down, and Dad and Caleb join us. We eat in an awkward silence, when Daddy finally speaks up. "Well, it seems Beatrice has some news for us." I look down, not wanting to talk. "May I be excused for school?" I ask, wanting to talk to Uriah. My mother and father share a glance, and then both nod. "Thanks," I say, and grab my backpack and leave. 

 On the way to school, I think about what it would be like in Dauntless. Not too many rules. Playing games. Looking in the mirror. That just makes me even more nervous, so I count my steps. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Wait, I think. I forgot 5. So now I'm at 9. I can't do this I think. I just break into a sprint and get to school just as the train for the Dauntless students arrives. I stand on my tiptoes and look around for Uriah, and then I finally spot him. With tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes. I run over to him. "Hi," I say. He looks at me and whispers "Hi." I grab his hand and pull him into school, through the hallways and into my secret spot, before Peter or anyone can see me. 

"So, big news. My birthday was yesterday. I just found that out." I say. Uriah's mouth drops. "Really?!" He asks. I nod, probably grinning like a mad man. He manages to get out, "You, birthday, name, me, Beatrice, twin, WHAT???" I just keep smiling. He literally drags me out of the hallway and into one of the classrooms. "ZEKE!!!" he screams. A boy, named Zeke I presume, looks up. Obviously confused. The teacher glances at Uriah and I, then at the other boy. He looks a lot like Uriah. I guess they are brothers. I guess he's my brother too.  

      Zeke stares at me, the starts laughing. "Uri has a girlfriend!!" he laughs, and my face gets warm. I shake my head rapidly, then Uriah drags him to the train tracks. "Zeke," he says, "Let her on your back." He squats down and I jump on. Suddenly, a train starts to come into view. They run, and run, and run, then jump onto the train. We tumble on top of each other, laughing. Them Zeke sits up. "Ok, Uri. Who's the girl? And why do we need to be on the train?" All Uriah does is say "I'll tell you when I tell Mom." We go through the rest of the ride in a comfortable silence. When I can see the Dauntless compound nearing, Zeke lets me back on his back. He jumps with Uriah, and we land on top of each other in the grass. 

I look at the headquarters in awe. It's huge! We weave through rows upon rows of shops before reaching one giant apartment. The door says "Pedrad" I guess that's their last name. Zeke pulls out a key and unlocks the door. He opens it, and Uriah and I step in. "Wow," I say. It's all I can. THIS APARTMENT IS HUGE!!! There is a large living room, a huge kitchen, andmultiple full baths just on the first story, and that's just what I can see.  In the kitchen is a woman, maybe in her mid thirties, getting a glass of water. She turned around when we walked in. "Zeke, Uriah, what are you doing here? And who's the girl?"  Uriah says, "You'll understand Mom. Come sit down and she'll introduce herself." We sit down in the living room. Not sure how to start, I say, "Well." I tap my foot nervously. This is your first impression, Beatrice, get it together. 

"My name is Beatrice."

A/N: Oooohhhh, cliff hanger. Anyways, I'll update soon. 

Love ya!


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