I knew what was coming now, this would be his tough side. He'd tell me that he could never care for me, he'd be a fool to fall for me. And that's exactly what he said.

"Sweetheart, you're caring precious cargo. So concerning you, that cargo is the only thing I care about." He said, and my heart stung. I felt it breaking all over again inside my chest, the pieces becoming harder to swallow down.

He picked up his leather jacket and put it on, then grabbed Lucille as he walked to the door.

"You coming, sweetheart?" He asked, his tone back to it's usual ruling power and sexual undertone.

"Where are we going?" I asked, getting off the couch and walking over to him. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. "Oh, right. For a run. It's just- could I borrow a pair of your boots? Mine make my feet hurt since they started swelling." I told him, hoping he wouldn't mind.

He lowly growled, but gave in, bringing out a pair of his black boots and a pair of socks for me. I put them on quickly and we left his room, heading for the supply trucks.

"There's something different about you," Negan said, looking over to me as he was driving. I just nodded and stared out the front window, keeping an eye out for walkers. "Ah ha! You cut your hair, why?"

"Because it was getting too long. Why do you care?" I asked, suddenly feeling rejected from earlier and getting angry. He didn't say anything, but looked out at the road and propped his left foot on the door.

"Damn, woman! Feisty today, aren't we? I'd fuck you if I hadn't gotten you pregnant." He said and I lost it.

"Stop the truck," I said, unbuckling my seatbelt. Negan shook his head no and kept driving. "Stop the damn truck, Negan!" I yelled, slamming my fist on the side of the door.

"Sweetheart, that ain't happening." He said, starting to speed up. I couldn't take it anymore and I opened the door, putting my foot out and getting ready to jump out. Negan slammed on the brakes, finally coming to a stop and I jumped out.

I heard his door open and slam shut. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! You could've gotten killed!"

"Not like you care!" I yelled back, anger coursing through me. I was done believing that he would ever care for me. "I'm just a pawn in your game of chess." I spit out, hugging my own body and looking down at the ground.

"Get back in the truck, y/n." Negan said, walking back to his side. I went to open the door, but it was locked and I could hear one of the dead groaning behind me. We must've attracted it during all the yelling.

I tried the door again, but it wouldn't budge and Negan hadn't noticed. The corpse drew closer, stretching its arms out towards me. I kept trying the handle and I banged on the door.

"Negan! Open the door!" I yelled, banging with both hands, my left arm shrieking in pain. I turned towards the corpse and grabbed its arms so it couldn't grab me, but it snarled and snapped its teeth at me.

I screamed again, and luckily Negan heard as he came around with Lucille. He grabbed the dead's shirt and pulled him off me before smashing its head in with his bat. I tried catching my breath, my vision blurred a bit and I almost dropped to the ground, but Negan caught me.

"Hey, take it easy." Negan said, gently as he put his arm around my back and held my arm to keep me up right. I felt his hand gently caress my stomach and I suddenly felt the baby kick, to which Negan jumped away.

"Woah! What the fuck was that?" He asked, looking at his hand and then to me. I felt my stomach and the baby kicked again.

"The baby kicked," I smiled as I looked up at Negan. I couldn't read his face, so I grabbed his hand and placed it on my stomach, waiting as I held his hand there. There was another kick, this time hard. "Ow, god, that one hurt."

"Awh hell yeah, this one's a fighter." Negan said as he stood straight, moving his hand off my developing stomach.

"Just like you." I said, looking up at him and giving a small smile. I looked back down at our hands on my stomach, but my head was lifted when Negan grabbed my face and brought it to his. He kissed me, with passion more so than lust.

He pulled away quickly and backed up, clearing his throat. "We should keep going if we want to be back before dark." I nodded my head and got back into the truck. Negan sped down the road as I looked out the window and yawned.

"You can lay down, if you want." He suggested, patting his leg. I rested my head on his thigh and closed my eyes, as sleep overcame me and the last thing I felt was his hand stroking my stomach.

if i believe you | neganHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin