Not to Hot: (5)

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I was laying in my bed. I haven't gone to school for a few days and people were calling me non stop. They wanted to know what had happened to me... I never returned their calls. I wanted to move, I wanted to leave this place and all the scary memories behind. I needed to have a fresh start. I was going to have to have a fresh start. And this is what I was going to do. There was no way that I could be friends with Blake after what had happened so I would just have to tell him what he did to me, to our friendship. I was shocked that he didn't see it for himself. After all this time. After what he did... He was a mess. I was glad that this school year was almost over. I would tell Blake then that I was moving. I know my parents wouldn't mind because, well, 1. I am their princess so to speak. I usually don't take what they have and give me for granted, but right now I will. Besides they are always on the road for business, it wouldn't be any different anywhere else. I want to go somewhere tropical, somewhere where I can do what I want without having to ask for someone else's approval. I just needed to disappear for a little bit, I may come back but right now I was leaving. I picked up my phone to call Lexi.

"Hey girl, where have you been? I have been calling you for days." I knew that this was coming, I mean I disappeared without any warning. That must have freaked people out a bit.

"I was just needing a break, wanna come over? Order in and talk maybe stay the night?" I asked I needed to tell Lexi first before I told anybody else...

"Yeah sure, I will be there in a minute. Love you Amber." I knew that she knew that this was pretty serious, she never says I love you. Or my full name. Ever. Unless something is about to go down. I grabbed my laptop from my bed and went to my order out menu list. I would wait until Lexi got here to order. I picked up my phone. I pressed dial on my mom's phone number.


"What's wrong Amber?" My mom yelled as soon as she answered the phone.

"I need you to come home tomorrow. I just need to spend a day with you and talk... Then you can go back to work. Do you think you could get off?" She was humming for a second, and I instantly pictured her work face. I smiled to myself. I loved this woman with everything that was in my being.

"I can be home tomorrow, I love you sweetie. Is there something wrong?"

"You'll find out tomorrow.. nothing is wrong so don't panic I just need my mom." Then she and I said our goodbye's and hung up. I was suddenly really hungry for a pickle so I went down to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I heard the doorbell ring and I just yelled that it was open. I was putting the pickles back in the fridge when someone other than my best friend walked through the kitchen door. I dropped the pickle container, and froze.

"What are you doing here?" I asked with fury in my tone. He backed up and then looked down at the mess that was caused.

"I wanted to talk." Was all he said.

"I don't really feel like talking to you, Mr. Douche. Sorry." I said, and I let the sarcasm flow freely from my voice.

"First of all, My name is Cody or Mr. Gonzo. Which ever you prefer." I liked his name, it fit him perfectly... Snap out of it. DOUCHE REMEMBER!

"I prefer Mr. Douche. But anyways I do not want to talk to you." I said and then walked to the pantry to get out the broom and trash can. I walked back over to the mess and bent down and started cleaning up my mess. I heard him walk over, but I didn't realize he was so close because when I looked up I almost bumped noses with him. I immediately backed up. I finished cleaning it up and then put everything else back where I got it. I then picked up the pickle I had gotten out from before and started eating it. I sat at the table and he sat across from me. I checked my phone and I frowned. I got a text from Lexi.

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