CCG Ghouls:Training

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"You know I sometimes wonder how you act to normal."

"What ever could you mean Urie? I'm simply blending in like a good little ghoul."

"I'm talking about your background. Your a full blooded ghoul that's lived and thrived off human and ghoul flesh but your mannerisms are that of any 20 year old. Not to mention your motherly instincts and abilities to cook human cuisine."

"Ah! You think I'm motherly! Oh Urie I never knew you saw me this way! From now on its okay if you want to call me mom I understand full well that you never known a mother's love you poor baby let me give you a hug!" Getting up I walk over to Urie arms wide open.

"No I didn't mean that!" Leaving his seat he backs away a few feet. "Don't touch me ghoul."

"Oh well. Suit yourself, but an answer to your confusion may just be that I was raised knowing full well what I was and how I was going to be treated. It's just the same as humans put it simply. Care for your young and nurture them until they thrive. I may have not known my birth parents but those who raised me made sure I knew the basics of my life to come."

"And those basics are..."

"To put it in one sentence it'll be 'Eat or be eaten.' Urie. Do you think I survived this long just sitting on my ass and being waited on hand and foot? Of course not? I actually went and got a job to get some money. I would've tried applying for school but I was far to young to control myself. I had to settle with being homeschooled."

"What jobs?" For the first time Urie seemed to actually listen to me.

"I was a chef."

"I thought ghouls couldn't stand human food?" I smile.

"Who said I was preparing human meals~?"

"Your sick." He gets up leaving me alone in the living room.

"At least he actually talks to you." Turning I notice Haise with a stack of papers in his hands. Probably more useless case work. "He just stares at me intently."

"The kids just power hungry. I heard he asked the doctor to preform the surgery."

"He's not ready yet. He has more control of his kagune then the others but he still has a way to go." Agreeing with him I nod my head. "We have a training session tomorrow, do you mind helping me with them. Saiko may preform better with a female teacher and Urie sometimes listens to you."

"Eh. You sure about that?" He shoots me a smile trying to calm my nerves.

"It'll be fine. I'll be in my office, good night."

Noticing the time I figured I should sleep to. Tidying up the kitchen before I left I headed to me room.

"It's time for your training session. Come on get up." Waiting for the qs I wonder how I never noticed this part of the house. "Haise. Has this room always been here?"

"Ugh... yes?" He seemed confused at my question just as much as I was. Hearing the kids walk in we forget the question entirely.

I was to help siako for the time. So letting my koukaku out I let it swirl down and around my arms. "Yuri! What are you doing!" Haises frantic voice grabs my attention.

"What?" Confused as hell I didn't see the error. "This is training shouldn't they know what it takes to fight a ghoul?"

Haise stays silent for a good minute. "How about we just focus on their physical training for now." Dodging the question he starts sparring with shirazu dodging each and every one of his attacks. 

Turning towards Siako I let out a sigh seeing her back to sleep. "Saiko. Wake up sweetie. Time to train."

I hear Urie walk up to me. "Fight me." The pure bluntness of his statement was admirable. Looking back at the sleeping Q squad member I agree and take a stance. With out warning he released his kagune sending it down ready for a hit.

"If you're going to play dirty so am I."


"I told you guys to focus on physical training!"


Urie groaned as Haise bandaged him up and handed me an ice pack for the headache I had.

"I'm sorry. . .I wasn't the one that activated their Kagune first."
The second part came out as a low murmur but Haise still heard it and shot me a glare. "Oh come on! How do you expect to teach the Qs anything if you don't let them use their new surgically implanted limb!"

"Not all of them can release the Kagune yet Yuri!" Our quarrel had left Urie to leave the room.

"Listen Haise, just because you can't accept what you are and you're still scared that you wont be able to control yourself around others when youre in your ghoul state doesnt mean I am. Your forgetting that I am stronger then you."

Leaving Haise alome I follow Urie  still holding the ice pack to my head.

"Im going to start dinner!" I didn't see Haise until I had to give him his dinner. Knocking on the door to his study I slowly open the door seeing his fast asleep. Debating whether one not to wake him I decide to carry him to his bed. "Maybe Im being to harsh on you Haise but I doubt you can be this naive much longer. Big plans are being set into motion as we speak."


"What has my life become." I think. I used to be useful to my kind. I was feared and respected. Now look at me. Babying a bunch of artificial ghouls and basically a traitor of my own species.

Letting the rest of the Qs to eat in peace I turn the tv on. Instantly regretting it as the news was talking about 'another win for the CCG.'

"You know you act more human then some of the investigators at work." Mutsuki sat beside me saying.

"What gave you that idea?" I ask.

"You care for your own kind. In a sick sort of way but you still care." That little statement made me forget all my worries.

"Ohh you are adorable Mutsuki. "Its late. You should get to bed."

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