Chapter 16:Return

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"Yuri!" I'm pulled into a tight embrace by what I can assume is a student by the uniform.

Shocked from not recognizing the boy sooner I push him off. "Who are you." The speed the young man was running was that of a ghouls yet I didn't even smell him.

Am I getting soft? I think to myself. Maybe my time at the ccg dulled my senses?

"Did Seiren actually remove that many memories?" The blonds whispered murmurs brought me out of my thoughts.

"Aido." Such an authoritative voice cut through the forest trees like knives. It belonged to a brunette I saw earlier in the day. "We are having class right now, you must've gotten lost." The blond hesitates before walking to the other student. "He won't be a bother to you miss."

The brief encounter left me dazed and filled with questions the rest of my patrol.


"Yuri's back guys!!! I saw here with my own eyes and its her! She's back!"


"What?" Snapped from my daze by Kaitos hand shaking my shoulder I twist around to meet him.

"The night shifts over."

"Oh." Not realising it had gotten lighter outside I take a wobbly step towards the gate.

Halfway through town I stop catching a whiff of blood. Something the ccg has prohibited me from drinking lately in 'the name of science.' A few months without tasting the tangy liquid left me with a strong craving.

I found my self changing my course to follow the smell.


The sound became louder as well as my grumbling belly. Rounding the corner I see a two figures huddled in the corner. One obviously lifeless.

"You plan on just drinking them?" The words leave my mouth before I could stop them. The figures head slowly turns till I'm on its sights. From its open mouth are two extremely long canines that almost look like those vampires you always see on TV.

"Ohhhhh! You must be part of that vampire ghoul gang!" I never would have guessed one traveled this far after they disbanded." Seeing the figure rise from his squatting position I notice the aura he emitted. Before my brain could process what had happened the figure had lunged at me with full force trying to take a bite of me. "You need to calm down buddy." Stepping out of his way I avoid his attack completely.

The one sided quarrel went on for a few minutes before I start to get bored. Waiting for the figure to lunge at me again I side step just in time to avoid the hit and rip of an arm. Taking the quick snack I exit the scene quickly before the figure decides to come after me.

Making my way back to my temporary home I set things down. The apartment was shitty to say the least. I could smell a sort of fungus infecting the inside of the walls and the wooden floors creaked with almost every step. Changing into more comfortable clothing a lay in bed fiddling with my collar. Until Itou arrives I'm free of feeling like I could get shocked at any moment. But I myself can't take of the damn collar off.

Hearing a notification from my phone I groggily search around for it. Feeling the cool metal against my fingers I bring it to my face.

It was a message from Itou informing me about his whereabouts and he would meet up with me later this day fore he still had to walk to the town.

Turning off the phone I decide to spend the few hours I had before going back to work by sleeping.

After receiving a message from my boss I stand in the headmasters office waiting for any orders.

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