September 5, 2001: Wednesday

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Alfred called us today. Nothing really special; just a really expensive meal at a local McDonald's. That's how he is. He'll never change. - Arthur Kirkland


Al is really sweet some days. Today was one of those days. As he made little jokes, I could imagine him running his free hand through his hair and taking his glasses off for a second to laugh before putting them back on and talking some more.

That's my brother for you. - Matthew Williams


I never even got the call that Matthew-san and Arthur-san are talking about. It wasn't like Alfred-san ever cared about me. - Honda Kiku


I was involved in the call; it was the first I'd heard of Alfred ever leaving the Nations. It made me a little upset that I wasn't told, but I was still kind in my greetings. I didn't want to be rude.

Not while Arthur was on the line. - Francis Bonnefoy, the French Republic

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