Chapter 16 - Drama at the Beach

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Another Chapter! It had been a long time since I updated lots of chapter in a day!



*Luke’s POV*

When Niall introduced me to April, I really thought she’s beautiful. I do think they have something between them, but then Niall said she’s just a friend. Well, I might as well give it a try?

I saw her sitting alone. Niall didn’t do anything to it so I took it as my chance. I sit next to her and we chatted. It turned out that she can’t swim.

“Do you want me to teach you?” I asked slightly. She looked at me wide-eyed. “You want to teach me?” I looked at her a few seconds. “Of course!” I laughed a bit. I stood up and stand out my hand for her.

She took it and smiled. I smiled back. I took her to the shore. A bit far from the other so she wouldn’t drown because of them.

“Are you going to swim in that?” I asked rhetorically. She look down on her clothes and gasped. “Oh!” She bit her lip. “Umm… Would you mind to, um… turn around?” I just laughed.

I turn around and close my eyes. I heard her taking off her clothes. “No peeking!” She said cheerfully. I laughed again. This girl is so funny and cute at the same time.

“Done!” She said. I turn around to see her in a blue bikini. It’s pretty simple, but not so bad. I smiled at her and grab her hand. I took her to the deeper sea.

She looked a bit scared. “I’m here. Chill. I’m not going to let you drown.” I smiled trying to calm her down. She just smiled and follow me.

“Okay now to float you have to… um… kinda flap your hand inside the water.” She laughed and tried, but ended up splashing the water everywhere. I laughed at it. She blushed a bit. “Sorry.” “It’s okay. Try to get it in the water now.” She tried again and finally float.

“Oh! So it’s like the third Newton law. Action force equals reaction force. (A/N Idk what it called there) When you push down the water, the hydrostatic force will lift you up! I did it!” She exclaimed. Then she gasped and blushed. Realizing her sudden knowledge. “Sorry.”

I laughed. She’s definitely smart to think of ‘the third Newton law’ in a freakin beach! “It’s fine! You worry too much.”

She smiled and I continued to teach her a few movements.

*Niall’s POV*

I looked at the shore. Where’s April? I’m sure I saw her there a few moments ago. I walk toward Zayn. “Zayn mate. Where’s April?” He looked around and I started to panic. What if somebody kidnapped her?

I do feel a bit guilty for laughing at her earlier.

Okay! A LOT of guilty you could say.

On the way here I tried talking to her but I guess she didn’t want to talk to me. When she sat alone I thought she needed sometimes to sort things out. I don’t know what.

Then I felt somebody tap my shoulder. Zayn pointed at the other part of the shore, not far from our ‘territory’

I caught something that broke my heart. I saw Luke and April laughing there and April looked so happy. She tripped a bit and Luke quickly grab her hand to prevent her from falling. Suddenly jealous washing over me. I felt so wrong.

I wanted to screamed to the top of my lungs, rip Luke off from my April and hug her, saying how sorry I am for laughing at her. But I couldn’t. That would make her angrier.

I closed my eyes. My breathing became uneven. I lost my mood to play with the boys.

I went to the shore and sat down, rubbing my temple. My head is going to explode.

*Zayn’s POV*

I saw Niall closing his eyes and breathing heavily. I squinted my eyes to April and realized that Luke is with her and they’re laughing happily. I sighed and saw Niall red-faced sitting on the shore rubbing his temple.

“Hey mate, you okay?” I said as I sat next to him. “To be honest, no Zayn.” His voice cracked. “Are you jealous?” I asked again. “Well OF COURSE!” He said a bit loud. “Luke is there with my April! Holding her hand like they’re a couple, when it should be me.” He said sadly.

“Wait wait! Did you just said ‘my April’? Are you guys already dating?” He sighed. “Well, no exactly. We’re just taking it slow. But I like how it sounded.” He shrugged. I laughed a bit. “Well then why don't you go there? Play around, not letting him alone with her.”

He sighed harder. “That’s the problem mate. I kinda pissed her off earlier.” I raised my eyebrow letting him to continue.

“Well she’s so super worried when I told her we’re going to the beach. When I ask her what’s wrong and she told me that she can’t swim. I laughed at that because I think like why is she so insecure about can’t swim.

I found her downstairs and on the way here she didn’t even spoke to me. So I guess she’s mad. I was going to say sorry but I was waiting for the right time, you know. Then I saw her sitting there looking alone but  I think she needed some time alone. Next thing I know, she’s there with Luke flirting her.

I invited 5SOS so they could get to know her better, not snatch her away from me.” He finished with a huff.

“Whoa man. Wrong move!” I exclaimed. He looked at me confused. “When you feel like you do something wrong to a girl, say sorry first. It will make her feel better, and to tell her that you really know what you do wrong. And by the way I think Luke is teaching her how to swim. Something you didn’t do.” I smiled.

“I think April is the kind of girl who, you know, insecure, and weaknesses are one of her biggest fear so if she told you that, she really trust you.”

He was about to crack up. His eyes were quite teary. “Hey mate. Find the right time, and tell her how much you love her. And don’t offend her again.” I pat his back and he smiled. “Thanks mate.” I went back to the shore.



Yay! Another Chapter

This day ain't over man!

Whoa what will Niall do? Luke seemed to fancy April ;)

25 reads and 3 comment [from different person] for the next chappie/chappies?


P.S Pic of Lauren at the side! Just know how to post a pic :( so sad of me eh?


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