Her Mate,His Hero

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Chapter one:"No!"I yelled at my mother,"I will not give up finding my mate!"."But Caroline,even though you are 18,you are still my baby and you can't start living on your own.",I said "I don't care,I will find my mate once in for all!",then I walked out of the room slamming my mom's room door.When I entered my room,I mumbled to myself" I am old enough to live on my own now.",as I said that,I packed my things and looked out my window and I noticed tears were shedding down my face.I took a deep breath and jumped out my window very quietly and safely so my mom doesn't notice I left.I swear,my wolf Karen was whImpering in a very sad way,and I felt the same.As I trailed off,I stopped in the woods and knew that I can transform into my clothing when I am done shifting,so I shifted into a cherry brown wolf(similar to Jacob's wolf on Twilight)and started to run off holding my bag in my mouth.When I stopped running I shifted and said"Whoo,I have been running for more than 3 hours ever since I left the house at 6:00 p.m. and it is about 9:45 p.m. Right Karen?"She answered back saying "Correct Caroline",so when I was about to take off again,I heard a branch snap and I turned around to see this furious and verocious golden retriever charging at me."Uh Oh" I said and took off running again.I saw a motel that wasn't far enough,so I ran to it and changed transformed behind a bush and walked in.When I entered,the front lady asked"Hello,can I offer you any rooms?",I replied "yes please".She asked how many nights I needed to stay and I told her 4 weeks,she looked at me very worried and said to me"oh,Instead of $40 dollars a night,I can cut the price off to $20 dollars a week ok Hun?","Thank You very much um.....","Sorry,my name is Amanda Ferind,but please call me Amanda",I said "Well thank you Amanda,and my name is Caroline Hunter"."Well it is nice to meet you Caroline,here let me show you to your room"she said very sweetly."Thanks"I said and she told me to let me know if you need anything so I simply nodded 'Yes' and went in my room and crashed on my bed so exhausted because it was nearly 10:43 p.m.

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