Chapter 6: Rival + Reuben = Rad. Except not.

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Random question -

How would you guys feel if I made this into a comic? Obviously I'll start before I finish the fanfiction but I'm just wondering.

And depending on whether you read the fic or the comic, you'd see new parts of the story at different points in time from the other. Neither one will be particularly faster or slower.


Kiara's PoV

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the EnderCon building competition!" The announcer's voice boomed.

"The winners of this year's competition will have their build featured at EnderCon. The winners will also meet, in person, Gabriel the Warrior!"

Everyone cheered loudly - everyone except for me and Adrian, of course, who frowned slightly at the fraud's mention.

Should we tell them? Or will that ruin everything? We have a chance to stop all of the death and danger and destruction... But these guys will never befriend Lukas. They'll never meet the Order. They'll never become the New Order. And who would believe a pair of kids they've never even met, seen, or heard of?

My train of thought was interrupted as I heard Olivia's voice.

"Whoa. Handshake. We don't have a handshake!"

"We'll just... Make one up. We'll call it the... Uhh... The Warrior Whip!"

Adrian and I glanced at each other, visibly holding back our laughter as they tried making up a handshake.

"Aaand just like that, I'm nervous again." Olivia groaned.

"Don't talk like that! Just stick to the plan and everything will be fine. This year, the Ender Legends can't lose." Jesse grinned.

"Let's do it!" Axel exclaimed.

"Building... Starts... Now!"

We stood below and watched the trio speedily place the materials, glaring at Aiden when he tried to belittle their build.
Adrian grinned as Olivia flipped the lever and the fireworks shot into the air. I had a similar expression on my face - at least I hoped I did. Otherwise, I might have been staring at the build with a gloomy look on my face as if I was expecting disaster.

We started clapping and joined in with the other competitors' cheers.

Aaand it was ruined when Aiden threw his hissy fit and spilled out the lava, setting Reuben's costume on fire and putting the build in danger. Great.

I turned to Adrian. "You stay here and help save the build, I'll go help Jesse find Reuben."
He looked slightly surprised, but nodded.
Just in time, Jesse jumped off the build and ran into the woods.

"Jesse, wait up! I'm coming with you!" I chased after her, quickly glancing back to see Lukas scolding Aiden as our friends stopped the lava.


Sorry it's a short one this time, guys.

And this is the point where I move on from focusing completely on Adrian and Kiara's thoughts. Next chapter will be Jesse.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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