Chapter Twenty-Three - The Dead Alpha

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Twenty five warriors, along with Nathan, Ryder and Kiera stand with me at the pack house on Renward territory. We broke in silently, slitting the patrol's throats before they could warn the alpha, or so we hope. There's no guarantee that we got them all.

My Elizabeth is in there. Somewhere she is waiting for me to save her - and in no way do I plan to let her down.

I break down the pack house door with one perfectly placed kick. Screams fill the air as pack members grab their families and rush away from the immediate threat. The men who can fight are too busy protecting their families to try and fight us.

"Lizzy is probably in the cells," Ryder says. Before he can continue, the Alpha, Nathan's brother; Julian, steps forth with pack soldiers behind him. He has a knowing smirk plastered across his face, and his arms crossed over his chest. The Alpha's body is fit and muscular from training and overall werewolf strength. I know I will have to fight him to get to my dear Elizabeth.

"Where is she?" I growl.

"She is preparing to be my Luna," Julian grins. "She said she wants nothing to do with a disgusting, pathetic pup like you."

My heart wrenches in pain. Elizabeth wouldn't say that, would she? I know she doesn't like me but is it really to that extent?

"He's lying," Ryder sneers, giving Julian a glare. "Lizzy would never say something like that."

"Believe what you wish. She is never leaving here, she is to be my Luna." Julian sneers.

"Hell no!" I yell. I see red as I charge at Julian. My fangs elongating as I tackle him to the floor with a snarl. He snaps his teeth at my neck. I quickly hop off of him and get in a fighting stance.

Blood pounds in my ears. My muscles tense. My vision focuses on this soul target in front of me. I feel nauseated, but I push it down to the deepest parts of me; I can't fight with a sick stomach.

He throws a punch at my face which I quickly dodge. I retaliate with a blow to his stomach, which causes him to gasp and clutch him stomach. He is no beginner, though, so he moves out of my reach before I can hit him again.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ryder shoving through people to try and get to the cells.

A sharp pain makes me double over. While I was distracted, Julian slammed his fist into my stomach, and now that he's got me hunched over, he slams my head against his knee.

Pain explodes behind my eyes as Blake howls in pain and takes command of our body. We shift into our wolf and attempt to get our bearings.

"Easton!" I hear Kiera scream. I look up just in time to dodge Julian's wolf. I quickly turn around and snarl at him.

'Let's kill this mother fucker.' Blake growls. I nod and stare at the brown wolf in front of me.

I wait for him to attack first.

My heart pounds.

Then he lunges.

I hunch on my hind legs and launch myself at him. My momentum helps me to Lin him to the ground.

He whimpers, but I show no mercy.

I bite his neck, sinking through the skin and killing him instantly.

The room stills as they feel the twinge in their hearts. They know their alpha is dead.

In werewolf culture, whoever kills the alpha is then announced alpha. If no one challenges the alpha, the title is passed to their first born.

One by one, the shifted and not shifted wolfed show their necks to me in submission. Some even go as far as bowing.

"Easton!" Her voice. My angel's voice. It is sweet and smooth and everything to me. My heart soars as I see her standing beside Ryder with a small smile.

She doesn't look the same as she used to. Her eyes are now hard with everything she's gone through, her smile isn't as carefree and her body is thinner. But she is my Elizabeth. The same one I fell in love with and the same one I will always love.

She bounds towards me and throws herself into my arms. I hold her to me so tight I'm afraid I'll squish her.

"Kitten." I whisper. "My kitten."

She pulls back, causing Blake to growl. Then her lips are on mine. Everything we've been through as mates is in this kiss; how much we love each other, how we longed for one another.

Someone clears their throat. Elizabeth immediately pulls back and looks at Nathan.

"What?" She asks.

"Before you guys start the baby making process, there are a few things we have to do." He smirks. Both Lizzy and I blush hard and mutter incoherent words.

My girl is back.


We're so close to the end I kind of want to cry.

Again, thanks for all the votes, comments and reads! It honestly rocks my world that people are reading and enjoying my book. Also, thanks to you guys, this is the farthest I've ever gotten on any book I've ever written! This means the absolute world to me guys.

Anyways, are you guys happy that Easton and Lizzy are back together?


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