Interlude 2: The Ninjabot and the Prime

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Interlude 2: The Ninjabot and the Prime

Elita knew something was wrong with Prowl.

The ninjabot had been coped up in his room for the past two days, ever since the debacle with Lockdown and Starscream's clone. She knew he was upset by what had transpired that day, what he had done under the influence of those upgrades. And she had seen the expression on his face, the utter shock and disgust, when he saw that, unwittingly, he had crushed that fragile bird nest with the three eggs inside.

And the broken expression on his faceplates had made her own spark swell with sympathy, and... something else. Something that made her want to go to him, and to try and comfort him any way she could. Her spark that had clenched painfully and throbbed as it reached out for the obviously hurting mech.

However, that had been two days ago, and the usually quiet, secretive mech hadn't been out of his room. Not even to refuel, and that was starting to genuinely worry the young Prime. She may be a young femme with very little experience outside of her time as a Academy student and her following career as a Space Bridge Repair crew Leader, but there was something she knew well, and that was guilt, and pain, and the weight of failure.

And Prowl... After what had happened, she was more than persuaded that he was going through those emotions and that, in his very solitary, very stern way of going through everything, he felt like he needed to do this alone. However, and that was what worried her the most, she had seen how shaky he had been, how pale and that he looked quite sick.

Yesterday, she had come to talk to ratchet about it, seeking his advices on this matter, as a true Leader should. And what he had revealed to her had made her deeply concerned, even a bit affraid, for her friend.


"Ratchet, may I talk to you for a moment?"

Hearing his young Leader's voice, the old medibot looked up from the parts he was cleaning and smiled at her, waving her over. Elita had that frown on her faceplates that she always seemed to wear every time she was worrying about one of them. And he had a feeling he knew who it was about, this time. He had been there the previous day, and he had seen Prowl disappear into his room without a word to anyone. The lad had a tendency to be a martyr, and it would one day cost him his life.

"Of course, Elita. It's about Prowl isn't it? Youngling got himself all worked up over that mess..." The old medibot grumbled but he also sounded concerned, even with his gruff, grumpy attitude.

"Yes it is." Elita confirmed with a sigh, and she asked, concern clear in her voice, seeking his advice. "I tried knocking and talking to him, but he didn't answer the door. I heard him though and he seemed to be either... well, sobbing, maybe or it could have been panting. he sounded in pain, Ratchet."

The medic, if anything, looked resigned at this and shook his head sadly. He put down the wrench he was holding on the table and looked at the young Prime seriously, arms crossed over his chest.

"That young fool... He had managed to land himself into more trouble than he bargained for." He started in his usual grumpy tone but there was a fair amount of worry as well. "There is a reason why unsupervised upgrades are illegal, Prime. That's because they're fragging addictive, and I mean by that, that the addiction sets in very quickly. Like drugs for humans, when you suddenly decide to stop, there will be consequences. Withdrawal, Prime, and not the light, easy to ignore kind."

"You mean..." She started, optics widening slightly as realization sets in. "Prowl is going through that right now? That's why he locked himself out then..." She came to the conclusion herself, it wasn't that hard, Prowl being the guarded, silent loner that he was. "What can I do to help, Ratchet? Is there anything we can do?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2017 ⏰

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