Megatron's Rising

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Part 1: Megatron's Rising

Tarantulas stood on a roof when he heard a very well-know little girl rambling and crying. Looking down, he saw the little human the Autobots calls Sari running down the streets. She looked particularly upset and was shouting something about not needing anymore. By 'them' he assumed she meant the Autobots.


She their little human pet had a fallout with the her big protective guardians. Did Elita finally showed her true color and betrayed her fragile, innocent trust? Well, who was he to pass up such an opportunity to get that key for himself once more? He had thought about what went wrong the first time he tried to use it, and he was sure that, if he took the time to examine the Key closely and do some experiment on how it interacted with his special techno-organic body, he could use it to cure his body once and for all.

This time, he'll make it work. But he still needed that key... Without a second thought he jumped down the roof and landed in front of the little girl, sending her skidding to a halt and falling on her little bottom.

"YIKES! Hey, watch where you're going you big oaf!" She shouted in shock, before realizing who she was mouthing off at. She paled a little and grinned tightly. "Uh, I was just joking! You... won't eat me right?"

He smirked down at her and crouched to be on her level, offering a claw so she can stand. He pulled her to her feet when she finally accepted the offered appendage.

"Eat you? Of course not! All I want is that key, so hand it over and I'll be on my way, alright?"

"Oh, I'd be happy to , if I still had it! But they didn't trust me with it anymore and took it away!" She grumbled and crossed her arms over her small chest, looking very upset again.

So he was right. Elita did betray her fragile little trust and the girl ran off. Well, he could still use her, if she was so mad with her so-called friends, maybe she'll want to help him. Pay them back, so to speak. he bent a bit closer and smirked a bit wider, looking pleased.

"Is that so? I'm not surprised, you can never trust an Autobot." He hissed upon the last word a bit and Sari thought he sounded kind of scary when he does that.

"Oh, and you mean I can trust you?" She snorted, barking a mirthless laugher. "Last time I checked, you kidnapped me, threatened to eat me and almost destroyed Detroit last time we met, Mister Scary Spiderbot!"

His smirk only widened a fraction and when he spoke again it was with clear amusement in his voice, but it surprisingly was also kind of soft. Well, as soft as a gravely, hissy voice can be. He knelt fully i front of her and sat on his heels, hand on his thighs, looking quite relaxed. he clearly wanted to put her at ease.

"At least, I'm honest with my intentions. I never told you something I didn't fully intend to do." He stopped to think just a second before he continued with a chuckle that sounded a bit chilly despite trying to be reassuring. "Well, I may have exaggerated with the eating you part. I wouldn't have, I never hunt of kill sentient organic beings."

"Hmf!" She lifted her nose in the air and crossed her arms over her small chest. She stayed like that for a few moments and Tarantulas watched her, starting to get a bit impatient. Until she turned around to face him once more. "Fine! I'll help you, but just to show Elita and the others that I don't need them! Waddya want me to do anyway? I don't have the key anymore!"

"Maybe not, little Sari, but I'm sure that you know where the Allspark is." Tarantulas replied with a crooked smirk, red optics glinting in the slits of his helmet.

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