Chapter 1: Rude Awakening.

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Beep beep beep

Jon groaned slightly as the alarm clock beeped almost endlessly, causing him to sit down and shut it off.

"8:30." He mumbled to himself, and standing on his feet, the cold floor seeming to almost wake him up completely. He quickly sat back down, and grabbed a pair of socks from his end table. Jon put socks there for reasons like this. His wood floor was cold in the morning.

Jon stood again, and this time wasn't as cold, but still was shivering slightly. North Carolina was cold, for being on the Southern Hemisphere.

Jon, after silently complaining about the cold, walked to his closet and grabbed random T-shirts, tank tops, and long sleeves. After that, he walked to his drawer, and opened it, grabbing most of the pants and shorts.

"Luke didn't even tell me how long I'd be gone." He mumbled to himself, grabbing his suitcase, opening it and folding the clothes, before shutting the suitcase, and sat back down.

He had about an hour until he had to get on the plane, and lived a half hour or so from the airport.

Jon, after just sitting there, thinking about LA, got up, wheeling his suitcase behind. He looked at Luke, fast asleep on the couch, and chuckled slightly at his "brother".

"Luke!" He yelled out, the said bearded man jumping up, Jon laughing.

"Jon... f*ck you." Luke muttered in response, the younger of the two chuckling as he spoke.

"I'm gonna get going, now." He told him. "Keep your end of the bargain, I'll keep mine."

Luke nodded slightly, and looked at the dog he knew Jon would-

"Take care of her."

"I will. Have fun, Jon."

Jon nodded.

"I will. Bye!"

And with that, Jon left the house and walked to the car.

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