Chapter 4

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Haha- lets pretend it's Wednesday. I had this chapter done but forgot to post it last night, really, really sorry.


I reach down, pulling my rock-knife out of my old clothes and putting it into my pocket. Once I'm ready, I step out of the room, laughing quietly as Kuma instantly stands up and shoves his face into my side.

"Easy, buddy." I whisper, patting his head. We walk back into the living room area, and there is still nobody there.

A pale pink couch rests upon the pretty light-blue carpet. It is accompanied by another couch, and some big chairs. What I assume is the front door is a ways across the room in a tiled area.

The TV still plays, and I look to see that it's been changed to cartoons. I hum quietly, before sitting on the ground in front of the couch. Kuma comes and rests his head across my lap.

I smile, laughing every once in a while as I watch the show. Eventually, another rush of noise comes from down the hall.

I glance to the hall from where I sit, and I watch as everyone comes into the room, stilling as they see me watching TV.

I raise an eyebrow at them. "Why do y'all keep doing that? I'm just chillin' with a bear." Then I frown slightly with my eyebrows creasing. "Have I said that before? I feel like I have..."

Laughter escapes from Allen who is near the front of the group. "Yea, you have. It's kinda a runnin' joke with you."

"Hmm. Interesting." I hum quietly at the new information, my gaze traveling back to the TV. 'Sounds like something I'd say.'

I hear a gasp and my head quickly swivels back to see a quite fashionable looking blond come towards me. Kuma instantly is standing and growling at him as I tense up. He immediately stops, and a small frown finds its way onto his face.

"Idioto!(1)" I hear a bark from the middle of the group as Luciano moves forward and grabs the other. "She doesn't remember us, you can't just rush at her!"

The blond breaks away and turns back to me, silently. He moves the pink shades off of his face and onto his head, revealing his magenta eyes. I calm Kuma by putting a hand on his back, then look back up.

"Would you like me to cut your hair?" Speaks a voice that sends familiarity rushing through me. An Italian accent, like Luciano's, carefully controlled excitement forced into calmness. Suddenly a word floats through my head. "Siblings."

I frown slightly, looking down with annoyance at the tangled mess that surrounds me. 'It couldn't hurt. And I really do have way too much hair.' "Alright." I speak, nodding.

He turns and walks down the hall, and after our conversation everyone spreads out. Some leave, some go back down the hall, and Oliver comes and sits on the couch near me.

I look up at him and he smiles, turning his gaze back to the TV.

"So..." I mumble, before coughing. "Mind telling me what was in those shower products?"

"I don't know what you are talking about poppet." His head turns away from me, a small blush escaping onto his cheeks.

I sigh quietly, but look back to the TV. "Thank you, Ollie." Escapes my mouth before I can stop it. His breath hitches at what I assume is a familiar nickname.

Before he can say anything more, the blond walks back in, holding a spray, scissors, a comb, and a brush. He smiles at Oliver, before moving to sit on the couch behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2017 ⏰

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