"-and she's so passionate about everything she does and it's so cute and I can't even believe she said yes, 'cause it's insane that she's wanna go out after me after the shit I pulled and- Michael, are you listening?"

"Hm?" I wasn't. "Uh, yeah. But just to be sure I caught everything, can you repeat all of that again?"

"You ass," he playfully punches my shoulder.

"My ass? I know right?" I wink, and he turns red. It's always been so easy to get Jeremy to get flustered, and I suppose that won't stop now.

"Sh-shut up!"

I begin laughing, and he quickly follows suit.

Suddenly, he stops.

"I'm such an idiot."


"I didn't even think about how you feel about all of this."

Fuck, he knows how I feel. He's going to shun me and I'm going to have no friends and it's going to be like when he was squipped but worse because he can see me and it was all his decision and-

"Y'know, with the stuff that went down at the play, and all."

Oh, thank god.

"Uh, what about it?"

"Look, man, I just-... I'm really sorry for the shit I put you through. I know-"

"You already apologized once. That's all I needed to hear."

"But Michael, I-"

"That's all."

Jeremy smiles that gorgeous smile again and hugs me. He hugs me. Of course, I hug back.

"Thanks, Jere."

"It's the least I can do, Micha."

The nickname makes me feel warm inside.


It's been a month since Jeremy and Christine got together, and I can confidently say that Christine and I talk on a regular basis. Or rather, we argue on a regular basis.

You see, Christine is very protective of everything (or in this case, everyone) that she has. She likes to consistently be around Jeremy and rarely lets him go anywhere alone. That I can understand. He's amazing. I'm practically attached to his hip.

But me and Jere have been friends for over twelve years; Christine and Jeremy have not.

Jeremy constantly talks about her. On the rare occasions that we get to hang out alone (which Christine hates), all he does is talk about her. Well, when you say talk it makes it sound like he's head-over-heels in love with her, which is clearly not the case. When he talks about her, he's usually complaining.

It's weird, I know. He says she's too clingy, like I'm not. I wouldn't be surprised if he hated me too.

Another thing is that apparently, Jeremy talks about me a whole lot too. That's what Christine tells me anyway. She says it's annoying and he says my name so often it's like I'm there with them on their dates.

This makes Christine sound like an awful person, and though I'm not her number one fan or anything, I can confidently say that she's a wonderful human being. We just both really like the same guy and want to keep him to ourselves, but we can't do that. Jeremy had his options, and he picked Christine so quickly it was like there wasn't even a second option. Knowing him, he was probably too dumb and blind to see that I was an option.

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