Manila (Manuelito)

Start from the beginning

I prepared everything. I thought things through, I used my intelligence to figure things out. I moved my lazy ass to find advices that can help me..

I was so in love that I forgot about my laziness.

Then when everything is ready... he just have to tell me this..

"Hey Mani... I'm going to confess to Ceci.. Please support me"

He said with his trademark smile...

I was silent at first.. I looked away and nodded.. then I did something I was the best at..

I faked a smile..

I ignored all my hardworks, my heartaches ... Everything.

I know I was stupidly in love...

But I care about Davide too.. even if he's my rival.. to her..

And I know that she'll be much more happy with him..

I wouldn't be a spoil to their happiness..

For them... I will fake a smile.

Then everything I expected happened. Ceci, of course gladly accepted his feelings saying that she loves him from the start. I was truly happy seeing them happy, but it doesn't mean that I am not hurt. I'm not a masochist thank you very much.

I started to feel horrible. Like some piece of me is broken.

I felt guilty

How they look so in love, how they kiss in front of me, the little sweet talks they make, how they constantly make me look like a third wheel-- which is partly true --, how compatible and happy they look..

I resent all of that

And I hate myself for it..

For being so bitter..

For wanting to break them off..

For wishing that I was him.. Davide

I hate myself for feeling this way..

Because It's my own decision to let them be.

I was the one who ignored my efforts for their happiness..

Friendship over love? Pfft.

How clichéd....

Don't get me wrong. I never regretted my decision...

Not until Davide suddenly disappeared...

It was a rainy afternoon, I saw her crying in front of Davide's house drench from the rain. I ran towards her and shared my umbrella.

She flinched slightly, then she looked at me with a broken expression..

"He's gone....."

"What do you mean?"

"Davide... he's not here.. he even change his number... he suddenly disappeared without a word... not even a goodbye"


That is what I felt..

I can't stand looking at her so broken and lost.

I don't understand... You love her right? Why did you leave without a word? You can't even give her an explanation that she deserves. What about me? Do you not care about me? How about my untold sacrifice?

All of these questions run through my mind...

And that was when I made an oath..

I promised myself that if I ever see Davide again.. I will beat the crap out of him... I will hit him.. hard..

He Was Yours  (Manila x Cebu x Davao) [One-Shot]Where stories live. Discover now