Act 2

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Hello there girl what's your name [ you type in a random name ] are you mad you can't put the name in she a girl for pete sake's [ you type Janey Strider-English ] I think she like the first name but whatever. It look she leaving to go home wait is that you phone you should check it
ObeytheCrocker is trolling ThewonderfulEnglish
OC: Hello Janey
TE: Hello Mr. Crocker haaa
OC: I told you stop calling me that
TE: ok I'll stop for now what up Ron
OC: Ahhhh JJ is sending me pictures of doodles cake he know I hated those
TE: Classic JJ
OC: Wow
TE: I love him still
OC: Well got to go
ObeytheCrocker has stopped trolling
Wow this is the first time you talk to Ron after he almost killed Danica. But you still love him. You wish you could see him but he is a working man. Well it's time to pack. Ok you found something that Danica and JJ would like. You miss you Dad English because you were lonely because you go on journeys with him. But pack ok clothes, ok you see Mr. Fluffy. You hug him a put him aside. You see your camp shirt you love this shirt. Later after crying but you finish packing. Now it time for dinner
* after dinner *
You got back to the cabin and you can't sleep because you're excited to see Danica and JJ you thinking " Ahhhhhh I so fucking happy ". Then you asleep because of your excitement.

At Danica's house
Well how is the party oh they're all drunk. Rose bought alcohol you take all the cookies to your room. Ahhhhhh you hear them from your room you see that Ruby want to talk.
Ragingrams is trolling thecoolnerdystrider
CS: Heyo Ruby
RR: Danica Happy birthday
CS: Thanks
RR: Hey we should meet one day but we lived in different places
CS: yeah. Omg Dad!!!!! Sorry Ruby my Dad is in here
RR: Good luck
Dad Egbert takes a picture of you with cookies in your mouth you try to take his camera. You're to later to take it you mad. You look mad and so said " Ahh if i had a game life I wouldn't live like this " wait what is this a game you going to play with because it seems fun. What it name? Sburb? That was the game that your Dads play where they were 13th. You turn on your computer you put the game in. And you see the loading screen.

Wait what is this game. JJ is that Sburb? Don't play that game I'm telling you and you're not listening to ok that just great. Is that a note in it, what does it said. It said " JJ I hate this game with all my heart but I well keep telling story but I want to experience with it ok. You also turn on your computer you put the game screen. It on the loading screen
I hope you two survive.

End the of act 2

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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