15. Real life

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When Maggie woke up that morning, the first thing she noticed was the scent on the sheets.

She smiled remembering what took place in that room the night before.

She stretched her arms and legs picking a shirt up from the floor and wearing it, she tied her hair in a chignon on the top of her head and, after putting some socks on, she followed the smell of coffe into the kitchen.

"Hey babe" she smiled sitting on a chair.

"Hey, you're finally up"

"Yep" she said "What are you cooking?"

"I just burnt some toasts, actually" he chuckled "At least I made coffee"

"Do you have cookies?"

"Sure" he gave her a box full of home made cookies.

"Thanks" she said.

Bob sat in front of her, placing a cup of coffee before her and one before him.

There was a comforting silence, not like the one in the car the night before.

He watched her like he was studying for a test.

She was beautiful with her messy hair, his shirt she was wearing was falling off on her shoulder letting him see a hickey on her collarbone, her tired but relaxed expression-

"What are you looking at?" she smiled.

"You're beautiful"

"I've got makeup smudged all over my face"

"So? You're beautiful anyway"

She smiled biting a cookie.

"We can't tell anybody" Bob said out of the blue.

"I know" she said.


"Yeah, I'm not stupid" she smiled "We keep this a secret, so if it all goes wrong no one will have to take sides, it will be just between us two"

"I knew you would understand"

"We're friends, right?" she got up giving him a wink "I should go, Lily gave me the responsibility to throw her hook ups out in the morning"

"I'll give you a ride"

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