Chapter 4 ~ "Winter's Chill"

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It was almost sunset, 2 days after my mare and I started off toward the place of the job offer in Pueblo, Colorado.... The sun was just about to set below the tree line, as we trotted along through the cold, deep in the woods. Sprinkles of snow were falling on my horse and I, and was building up on my saddle. I swept it away as it fell, as we were cold enough, and I was trying to dinie it's presents. There wasn't enough to cover the ground, but there was enough to faintly show my horse's tracks. Luckily, we'd be there by sunrise, and there was no moon that night. It was pitch black. I couldn't see, but I knew my horse could, and that's all we needed. All I could make out is the lighter colored rocks, and the white of snow build up on the top of my mare's neck. I would scrape it off of her neck and hindquarters so she didn't have to bare the extra cold. Her body was already shivering at the chill of the night.

I don't think anything was out in the bitter cold but us... As there wasn't even a sound of a single bird. My body trembled as we went along. I could see our breaths as we breathed in the cold air, and released it slightly warmer. My chest burned taking in the cold air, and my throat ached as I brought it in. All I wanted to do was get warm... But we were at least a nights ride short of our destination. My hands were frozen, without gloves in the cold, and I bared not but a long sleeve shirt, with no pockets, so I often pushed my hands up under my mare's saddle pad, to get some of her warmth from her body. They were stiff and hurting, but there was little I could do. I was losing track of time, and begging to see light, so I knew we had traveled to the point that we were almost there.

As the first glimpse of sunlight breached the horizon, we were almost there. I was in the area of my destination, but couldn't find it's exact location. I had no choice but to find someone, alone on their land to ask. As I neared a road way, there was a man working in his field. He was on a tracker mowing it I believe. There was no one else around, so I stood near his fence deep in the thickness of the morning fog, and flagged him down. The old man apeared to bared many years, and his face was old and rinkaly. He had a smurk on his face and apeared to enjoy his work. When I got his attenchion he stopped his tractor out in the pasture and turned it off. He said, "Who are you?" in a sweet old voice.

I deepened my voice and said, "Your near by neighbor! I live up the road a little ways. Hey, do you by any chance know of someone who has a herd of sheep around here?" I asked.

The man spoke in a laughing manor, "Most people do around here!" and kind of chuckled.

I awkwardly laughed and said, "Oh... Sorry. I don't get out much. Well, I'm looking for someone I found in a ad in the paper for. It didn't give a name, but in the ad they mentioned needing to higher someone to remove some wolves for them. Bring anyone to mind?"

He paused, looked at the ground for a moment, took off his cap and scratched his head. Then he looked up and said, "I'm not positive, but I think you're looking for Mr. and Mrs. Blouse... They live up the way. They own most of the land around here. Over there they have a real big spread, just about a mile that way" and pointed his finger to the east. "There's no gate or fences - they're land just kinda goes everywhere, so just head that way and look for a green and brown house. They're pretty nice folks, so just walk up and knock on the door. They'll come to your call." and smiled.

I gratefully replied to his answering, "Thank you so much!" and started off that direction.

The man loudly said, to get my attention as I was walking away, "What did you say your name was?"

I acted as if I didn't hear him and kept walking. "Miss!!" he said even louder. I kept looking forward, and walking away. Nervously. Then he fired up his tractor... I gulped, and grabbed my saddle horn, at the ready to run if he headed my direction... My heart was beating quickly, and I was holding my breath... My mare felt my tension, and started chomping at the bit, and put her head high and pranced. Then he started mowing again. I let out a huge sigh and let go of my saddle horn as I relaxed my body posture I had at the ready for another brisk run, through the fog. Once that was over, I fixated on where we had to go. Like the man said, I needed to be looking for a green and brown house, somewhere in that area.

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