Chapter 6 ~ Running again

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I laid under the sun alongside my horse, on that warm afternoon, looking over the Blouse's herd of sheep grazing the new tender blades of grass. The herd was growing to an incredible size - around 300 by that time. They grazed peacefully, with no longer the fear of wolves that decimated their herd last winter. They were plump as a pillow, and had cotton like thick white whole coats that were no longer blended in with the snow that covered the ground this past winter.  

I laid there peacefully in the green grass, amongst my thoughts, as I watched over the sheep, with my horse beside me. I knew the time for me to go had long be present, but didn't want to except it. I liked it there, despite the tension from the people who dwelled amongst the farm's fences. But it was now spring, when the job was supposed to be over. There were no longer wolves in these mountains, so my day was no longer filled with hunting. Instead I was commanded to attend to many other things to "earn my keep", but I was still worried that the work they had for me wasn't enough to need to keep me. I knew that one of these days they'd send me on my way... I just didn't know when. 

I never volunteered to leave, even though the year had swiftly flown into March... I had kept my name hidden behind the alias I went by, and no one knew I was there. I made up reasons why I couldn't go into town with Mrs. Blouse any time she asked if I'd join her, and I kept hidden when visitors came for the day. I felt that my efforts had payed off, and that I was reasonably safe, so I wasn't in any hurry to move on. In between moving the sheep to better pastures every day, I took care of all the manual labor around the farm. I made sure to do an extra good job with everything I did, in order to persuade there possible wishes to have my horse and I  gone, so I could stay in a warm house where at least some food was supplied.  

Asking for more food when there was no more in the house was a stressful incidence, because I still found Amanda intimidating, so I still hunted for my food sometimes, and only asked her for certain things when I really needed them... And even then, sometimes her demeanor was belittling.  

I had found Amanda to be a very head strong woman, with perhaps and uncertain part of her, I was very cautious about. Though I felt she was less of a potential threat than Trevor, who was a very quiet, creepy man, with an odd sense of humor...

I had just passed up the creak where I gave my mare a drink of water, when I heard a shout from afar. "Natalie!!" Amanda called from somewhere near the house. My mare's ears twitched in that direction, and I turned my head that way. "Come'eer!!" she shouted again, louder, and more demanding. I tensed and gulped, not knowing what it was this time. I sped up my horse by a nudge of me heals, and ran quickly back toward the house. When I got back, I couldn't find Amanda anywhere... I worriedly looked around the house and barn area, looked in the barn, then went for her house. I dropped my stirrups and plunged to the dirt, hitting feet first, and at a run toward the door. As I started to reach for the door nob, it opened before I grabbed it! I gasped! Amanda through open the door with a creak, stood in the door boldly, and said,

"You forgot to chop up the rest of the logs!" in a rough and stern voice that sounded like the growl of a wild animal.

"I'm sorry!" I pleaded.  

"I chopped up 4 trailer loads yesterday and got up before sunrise to move the herd so I could come back and finish the other 2 loads in just a little bit!" I said worried and frazzled with a cringe of my brow and a quiver amongst my body. 

"Well get over there and finish up before I fill your day with more to do!" She said boldly. 

"Okay." I said abruptly with respect, and fear, then swiftly grabbed my horse's rein and pulled her along with me over to the logs, ready to be cut into firewood.  

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